UntrustedFairyWish23 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fairywish23/art/Untrusted-339645002FairyWish23

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Ah, what was I thinking? 3 Words: I was bored.
Note: -Please don't judge me! D:


"Well, he's different from any other guy I've met. He seems passionate, kind, and loving- a total gentleman!" I exclaimed.

"Anna, it's not counted if he just glanced at your direction. Hell, maybe he wasn't even looking at this direction." Alice pointed out. "He looks like a potential serial killer or something." Alice, my best friend and house mate and I were sitting at a rounded table at the entrance of Starbucks, gossiping about guys.

"Alright, I gotta go to work, Ann. See you later!" Alice said suddenly.

"Wha-? Oh, fine. See you later." She collected her bags from the chair next to her and proceeded walking towards the boutique shop she works at nearby. "Great. Now what do I do?" I mumbled to myself. I sighed and decided to walk around the mall. As I strolled around the place, something at a distance caught my eye- a performance! I've always loved watching performances and so, onwards I went to catch the show.

"Excuse me. Ow! Move!" Having a height of 5"5, I forced my way through the thick crowd to catch a glimpse of the performance. "I hate being short." I mumbled.

"You're not that short." The man behind me stated. Oh crap! He heard me?" I thought to myself. I turned around to see who the voice belonged to. It was the man Alice and I were gossiping about! Holy crap! My heart beat harder and faster. I froze.

“Hello? Anyone home?” he asked, while he waved his hand in front of me. I snapped back to reality.

“Whoa. Yeah, hi.” I stuttered. “Sorry. What’s your name?” The man chuckled and smiled at me.

“See you soon.” He whispered, completely ignoring my question. Backing away, he glanced at me for one last time. If I’m not mistaken, it looked as if he was memorizing the way I looked. Creepy.
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