Premade BK 550FairieGoodMother on DeviantArt

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FairieGoodMother's avatar

Premade BK 550



:spotlight-left:There are only a few simple rules to use my stock:spotlight-right:

:bulletyellow: Credit me in your description with a link back to the original stock photo or to my main page.
:bulletyellow: You must leave me a comment with a link to the deviation you've created. I want to see and :+fav: it.
:bulletyellow: I give full permission to use my stock in prints on DA and Outside of DA
:bulletyellow: BE CREATIVE! Do NOT use my stock if you're only going to do minor changes like changing hue/saturation, texture overlay, or only put a border around the picture, etc.
:bulletyellow: You cannot manipulate my stock to make other stock unless permission is given.
:bulletyellow: I reserve the right to request an un-watermarked copy of Manipulations using my Female and Male stock. I am keeping a keepsake book for my Kids.
:bulletyellow: Do NOT enhance and upload my photos as your own!

But most of all...HAVE FUN!!! :D

Stock resources: :iconflore-stock:
Castle [link] Photo Id Photoxpress_1806010
* Author * Stanislovas Kairys
Personal stock

If you just want to use part of the stock please go to the original stock provider and fav plus give them the credit:heart:
Used with permission:love:

:new:Since I have started my Stock folders I receive quit a lot of Fav's on my Stock photos. It is very easy for me to get behind on my messages because of this. If you do not receive a Thank you from me personally Thanking you for the Fav's on my Stock I hope you understand that sometime I just cannot reply to all. Please Know that your Fav's and your support of my stocks are Greatly:heart: appreciated and that I Love each and every :+fav::glomp:
Image size
2848x4288px 6.7 MB
Shutter Speed
1/100 second
Focal Length
48 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jul 1, 2010, 4:53:20 PM
© 2010 - 2025 FairieGoodMother
anonymous's avatar
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