FairieGoodMother on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fairiegoodmother/art/Hot-Air-Balloons-86272027FairieGoodMother

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Hot Air Balloons



I live in the City in the United State that the Hot Air Balloon first took flight. And believe it or not They used to have an annual event where there would be 100's of Balloons right behind our house its was a beatiful sight. My Hubby and I actually got to take a Ride in one of these Balloons and It was Awesome. We are both scared of heights but in the balloon it just felt like we were floating. All The Balloon owner had a bean bag toss contest to see who could drop a bean bag closes to the mark from so high up. At the end of the ride we opened a bottle of champayne and the balloon owner turned the cap with the wire into of the shape of a balloon with a basket. What memories. I have put a couple of balloon together that you can use. If you do please link back to me and credit me=D Thanks This is in psd format

Just a little history lesson:

1793—The First Balloon Flight in North America: A 45-minute flight from Philadelphia to Gloucester County, New Jersey is made by Jean Pierre Blanchard on January 9. George Washington is present to see the balloon launch.
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