FaimeCrias-Registry's avatar


Years Ago
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will u be doing ur own Health testing for the breed?
Yes we will i have to set it up & Get the Health test Certificates
omg yes please :) i know my gal is not 100% but it still would be nice to have them and do we have puppy lines yet? if not and i have a breeding done before hand can i use lines like this fav.me/d5z8oa3 or fav.me/d655vpf
I would use lines that are closer to the breed. But yes you can use temp lines til i get some up xD
Can we register this breed with the kennel club if they allow it?
I asked and they wont allow them at all. Not even the main part of the breed (naturals)
Aww oh well, like I said to Emmy, thankfully you gave us disciplines to perform with our lovelies ^_^