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faile35's avatar




Well, I've been promising folks I'd put up something new, and so now I'm in a position to finally deliver on that. Of course, I did this one seven years ago, but still...

The whole point of this was to create a fairly beautiful face that had some downright disturbing eyes--eyes that are hard to look at. As I recall, I originally drew them intentionally much too large for the face and very, very bloodshot, and I found that it completely banished the beauty in other facial features and shape, so I let it sit for a while until a different plan for the eyes showed up.

I've also had a lot of fun with this, practicing some digital alterations on the drawing with Photoshop, and some of them are pretty cool.

More coming this week! Now to try and get caught up on my inbox... :faint:

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1024x874px 577.02 KB
© 2007 - 2024 faile35
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Designposter's avatar

excellent medusa! Great snakes! Yes I can see it is an oldie - but its still GD excellent. I'm a newbie to the DA world and I'm enjoying discovering the hidden gems - specifically a lot of your figure work,

I can see you have reached out to other artists and use their stock model shots - I never new this was a thing - awesome... Do you do use live models much? And if I may ask, do you have any process videos on YT? If so please drop me a link...

keep up the great work - it makes the world a better place.