AssassinKnight-47 on DeviantArt
Hello there, I've not been very active with Deviantart but I thought about temporarily opening up my commissions.
All commissions for this will be done through PayPal only and can be discussed through Deviantart notes or on Discord through DMs (you can get my DMs by joining or if I'm on another server that you're on then that works too) £1 - 3DS Themes (Need to have a 3DS with homebrew on it) £5 - Animated Profile Pictures/Subscriber or Follower gif £7 - Large gif (can be used for reactions, certain DRO gifs or something else. Can be looped or not.)
£10 - Small animated YouTube intro/ outro. (whe...
Ok guys, I feel like today is a good day to make a list of all of my animation projects that im working on. If I have any projects to add to it or ive finished a project on the list, I will update the list to show it. Also these are in no particular order. But without further ado here's the list: also ive finally updated dis stuff 400 Sub special (was 150 sub but i keep havin to do other stuff first) Sonic Fury cutscenes My Own YouTube intro My battle royal collab part Some animations for my own kirby collab. my eggman calamity collab part
Stolen from @Kirbysquad10 and @EchoLuminescentKirby. Mentioned by @GamerRavenDA "A VIRUS HAS SPREAD AROUND THE WORLD, MAKING THE DEAD PEOPLE RISE FROM THE DEAD. USE RANDOM.ORG TO CHOOSE YOUR TEAM! GOOD LUCK.Use to randomize 13 of your friends for this meme. Make sure to include yourself as well."Thank you old kind description.Now onto the list!1)Sidekick-
Well, that would be da case if he was available moar often3)The one who loses it-
probably lose it cus someone else says genesis looks like violet lol4)The brain
oh no!5) The ...
Who Could Want, to be in a Server, With a Imbecile Incompetent as You, Like Leader, And with a Sissy Gay Disgusting Ass Faggot, Like Yershi as a Member?! I Am Just Glad, I Am out of the Hellhole, You call a "New Server!"