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HoneyComb Storage: sta.sh/01skhto74won

Art of Charles:

Ask us:
TOT-Ask Us!
Ask 1: fav.me/dbvlwv0
Ask 2: fav.me/dbvw9kr
Ask 3: fav.me/dbwjqaw
Ask 4: fav.me/dbxmt5b
Ask 5: fav.me/dbxn8uy
Ask 6: fav.me/dbxnrq3
Ask 7: fav.me/dbz0xg1
Ask 8: fav.me/dbz8no2

The Apricorn Times:
Want to be interviewed? See here! fav.me/dbnw591
Issue 1: 'Musical Muse' fav.me/dbnza66
Issue 2: 'Sea Buneary in Desert Oasis!' fav.me/dbo3095
Issue 3: 'A Different World' fav.me/dbo99lo
Issue 4 Chapter 1 'The Many Guilds of Tabira' fav.me/dboe9qr
Issue 5: Midnight Serenade fav.me/dboswra
Issue 6: Whirlock Mystery fav.me/dbp0doj
Issue 7: 'Sisters, Witches, Amazons, Oh My!' fav.me/dbpgk82 -No longer Cannon-
Issue 8: 'Gangs' fav.me/dbrkkjg
Issue 9: 'OppositesBoundByBlood' fav.me/dbtw9be
Issue 10: 'Cornered,ButNotForgotten' fav.me/dbtzluw
Issue 11: 'Doctor's Orders' fav.me/dcg9ls5

Memes and Stuff:
Vices and Virtues:
C- fav.me/dbpkoiw
P- fav.me/dbpkoyy

OC Spectrum:

Chapters & Intermissions:
Chapter 1 'The Many Guilds of Tabira' fav.me/dboe9qr
Intermission 1: fav.me/dbphap8
Intermission 3: TOT-Gifting Day-P1
Chapter 3: fav.me/dc67374
Chapter 3 Epilogue: fav.me/dcggmsg
Chapter 4: fav.me/dcrilla
Chapter 5: fav.me/dcugyc0
Chapter 6: fav.me/dbul9mq

(Chronological order:
Chapter 1
Chapter 3 & Epilogue
TAT Issue 5
Intermission 1
Intermission 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Cameos:(Needs updating)

I am open to roleplay. Just ask!

Bullet; Green Section 1
: The Green Part

Team Name
: The Apricot Times

: 19/9/17

Chapter 1:
3 of each rep.
Chapter 6:
3 of each rep.
Intermission 3:
1 Keepers Rep
Chapter 3:
2 of each rep


1 Spirit of Evolution -5
1 Spirit of Fellowship -10
Polar Fleece -4
Spacial Hammer -3

22 spent
11 remaining

Guild Rep
Trackers: 8
Scholars: 8
Keepers: 9
Artisans: 8

: 0

Bullet; Orange
Section 2: The Tan Part

Gender and name:
Charles the Growlithe, Male

Charles is a slim Growlithe with a mess of hair, and a jagged scar on his back, three claw marks. He wears a pair of square glasses, and an everstone at all times. But he may also be seen wearing a cape of stars.

: Blaze

Flare Blitz
Wild Charge
Helping Hand

Move Tool
: N/A

Starry Cloak, Everstone, Azelf clips


Charles comes from a family called the Dracheons. This family is full of pokemon that care only for battle. The only law in their family is the strongest is right. That naturally, didn't sit right with Charles, who has always been a bit of a pacifist. Which, after a talk with his Grandmother, has only grown to unsustainable levels.

Charles had been told from birth that he is lesser than every other mon in his family, and to an extent he believes this. Still, he managed to pass the Trial, and earned his freedom. Without passing the trial, Charles would never have been allowed to leave the caves, where his parents live. His Grandmother, an adventurer, only ever rarely visits.

With his freedom earned, Charles traveled to Tabira, and moved in with his Grandmother there, opened up a newspaper stand. He struggles with the ways and customs sometimes, but he tries to hide his failings behind a bright and optimistic attitude. Because of his kind nature, he knows he will get taken advantage of, but he doesn't mind.

Charles hides a deep secret, which he only tells to those he truly feels he can trust. And even then...only so much.

Gender and name:
Pufne the Pidgey, Female

Pufne is quite slim and is unusally tall for a pidgey.

: Keen Eye

Sunny Day

Move Tool
: N/A

A Polar Fleece, which protects her from the cold.


Pufne isn't shy, but she is quite a quiet pokemon, which would make her decision to support the expressive Charles a complete oddity. After reading of his paper, and seeing his note, however, something bid her to assist him. Their relationship is always under slight strain due to the pressure from their respective families, but they both care about the other, and are friends.

Will sometimes flare a wing or strike a pose, often while saying 'The Apricorn Times' or the issue's headline. While she wants to be a dancer, she doesn't seem to try to learn it.


Gender and name:
Nero the Honedge, Male

Nero is a curved, shiny honedge in the shape of a Dao sword.

: No Guard

Shadow Sneak
Swords Dance
Metal Sound
Night Slash

Move Tool
: N/A



Nero was once a civilian in an ancient city, at least until the day he was sacrificed to the very blade he now inhabits. while the blade had once been believed to be able to tell if someone was evil just from their touch, with Nero's new abilities as a Honedge he was able to become the literal namesake.

'The sword of corruption, able to tell just by someone's touch if their intent is good or ill. Those with ill intent may be drained of their life, and meet an early demise'

Unfortunately, in his 'youth' he made some...avoidable mistakes, and the nation he was once a part of no longer exists, the ruins having crumbled long long ago. On the bright side, he knows how to control how much lifeforce he drains from a user now. He hasn't accidentally killed someone in millennia!

With no home and no ties, Nero spends his days traveling the lands, finding those with troubled hearts, and helping them solve their problems. Why? Because they rarely listen, and when they finally realise he was right he gets to have a 'I told you bro' moment.

He lives for those moments.
Image size
1025x3567px 1.81 MB
© 2017 - 2024 FaelaArts
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PCX-Art's avatar
Oh, so Nero is an official member of the team now? I just figured he was a NPC since up until recently he has'nt directly helped with any official group missions & the fact that his presence with Charles is saposed to be a secret...

...granted if he's part of the team I guess that indirectly confirms that he is'nt trying to corrupt Charles / will betray him?