Fadri's avatar


...and then there will be cake
652 Deviations

Que nunca he dicho por aquí que tengo un Patreon gracias al cual puedo actualizar mis webcomics (los que están en español, por eso pongo el journal en español solamente XD) con mucha más regularidad de la que podía antes.

Que probablemente los que los lean ya sepan de su existencia, y los demás, ni los leen y es tontería contarlo.
Pero lo cuento igual. 8D

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Do you speak read Spanish?
Maybe you want to help me and my friends to fund a comic: www.verkami.com/projects/4769-…

Read below:


Como algunos ya sabréis y otros no, y otros sabréis otras cosas que no tienen que ver, como la raíz cúbica de pi, resulta que Zelgadis, Defriki y yo hemos comenzado un crowdfunding para sacar un tebeillo en papel --> www.verkami.com/projects/4769-…

¡¡Nos está yendo muy bien!! Pero la ley del crowdfunding dice que hay que soltar spam en la mayor cantidad posible de sitios, por lo que aquí os lo suelto.

Si os apetece colaborar, trataremos vuestros euros o moneda conversa con mucho cariño. :)

¡Muchas gracias a todos!

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Reminder: I'm doing commissions.
Also, I'm expanding my commissions to include comics in them too. (!!!)


- What do I draw?
Most of things...  Yes, that includes ponies and OCs.
And also non-ponies and non-OCs. :P

- I won't draw rule 34.
You can ask about nudity, bloody pics or other "controversial" content. I could accept to draw that kind of things or not, depending on how hardcore the request seems to me. :P


Consult this chart for the prices:
Commission Prices by Fadri

Aproximate average prices, these prices may vary acording to panel complexity, number of characters, etc...
Sketchy/Simple style comics = 3,5$ per panel.
Lineart comics = 8,5$ per panel.
+Color = +2,5$ per panel.
+Shading = +1,5$ per panel.



- Payment will be done through Paypal only*, so you can pay using a Paypal account or a credit card. (DON'T FORGET TO ADD THE PAYPAL FEE TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT!!!)
My Paypal is fadri.nyo@gmail.com.
Or just pay here:
* (If you're from Spain, we can discuss other payment methods)

- I won't start a picture until the payment is made.
I just don't want to work without knowing if I'll get the money. :P

- I'll send you previews of the picture, so you can see before it's completed if it's what you want, and tell me to change anything before it's done.

- Once done, you'll have the rights to publish your picture wherever you want. Or print it if you like.
I'll get that rights, too, I might upload it to my gallery.


If you're interested send me a note, or e-mail me to fadri.nyo@gmail.com telling me what you want.

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I need money, so I'm going to try opening commissions!
The worst thing that might happen is no one being interested, so why not? :P


· What do I draw?
Most of things...
Yes, that includes ponies and OCs. :P

· I won't draw:
- Point commissions.
- Porn.
- No comics at the moment, just pictures.

· You can ask about nudity, bloody pics or suggestive content.
I could accept to draw that kind of things or not, depending on how hardcore they seems to me. :P


Look here for the prices.



- Payment will be done through Paypal only*, so you can pay using a paypal account or a credit card.
* (If you're from Spain, we can discuss other payment methods)
My paypal is fadri.nyo@gmail.com.
Or just enter here: www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?…


- I won't start a picture until the payment is made. I just don't want to work without knowing if I'll get the money. :P

- I'll send you previews of the picture, so you can see if it's what you want, and tell me to change something before it's done.

- Once done, you'll have the rights to publish your picture wherever you want. Or print it if you like.
I'll get that rights, too, I might upload it to my gallery.


If you're interested send me a note, or e-mail me to fadri.nyo@gmail.com telling me what you want.

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2 min read
:mangapunksai: Visit my comic!!! :mangapunksai:
:pointr: Dragon Mail :pointl:

:work: TO DO :work:

* CCP 04 :P
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
:evillaugh: I MANAGE THIS CLUB :evillaugh:

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
:diny:CLUBS I BELONG TO:diny:

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El Patreon de mis webcomics. by Fadri, journal

Las Cronicas de Matilda by Fadri, journal

Commissions 2.0! by Fadri, journal

Opening Commissions! by Fadri, journal

OvO by Fadri, journal