Ok, I know I've posted like 3 of these journals already.
But I'm not giving up. 4th time's a charm, right?
I also am aware that like, virtually no one reads or follows my page anymore, it's been so long, but thought I should explain what's been going on so sort of... Motivate myself to take action. XD I dunno, we shall see if it works.
So what have I been doing? Where have I been? WHAT is going on? Well nothing exciting, to put it shortly. >w> I've just been working and trying to keep up with my day to day responsibilities. And like most of us (I think) also been trying to be a good adult and save money and not eat so much crap. :U Which is harder when you have your own money, turns out. So basically... I've just been. Living. XD
Jokes aside, on the creative front I have been doing next to nothing really. I've really fallen back to a point where, I'm not really happy with anything that ends up on the page. And I'm pretty uninspired, my interests have changed and well. : P IDK