Welcome to Felix's... spare pants are in the back.Fadedsaint on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fadedsaint/art/Welcome-to-Felix-s-spare-pants-are-in-the-back-381985444Fadedsaint

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Fadedsaint's avatar

Welcome to Felix's... spare pants are in the back.



this was for :icontangent-valley: contest. Envision his character Felix however you see him/her. Me I perfer to think that after Felix gets settled in the valley, she gets some seed money and opens a tavern to help other wayward souls that end up there, keeping a ready supply of spare pants and offering work and room for anyone who needs it. I open it's well received. Cheers.
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arbon777's avatar
ppfff-hahaha! I'm sort of curious as to why no one has done this before. But then maybe not everyone winds up half naked, the fact Felix at least had a shirt on seems to hint at the mild randomness inherit the valley. It would suck if one such traveler were "changed" in such a way that any pants they put one would magically turn invisible.