Destruction Upon UsFacundoDiaz on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

February 26, 2009
Destruction Upon Us by =keepwalking07 Suggester said:... is an ominous piece of cosmic artwork splendidly exemplifying its intended aesthetic of destruction. The composition is well pieced in drawing in one's attention, and in the destruction, binding it. Surely an enjoyable artwork.
Featured by TobiasRoetsch
Suggested by cosmicbound
FacundoDiaz's avatar

Destruction Upon Us



I wanted to destroy something :P

I got to thank :iconmcchaz: a lot, cause he helped me improving my space scene composition, and a few perspective isues.

Hope you like it! :D

EDIT: omg! a DD! me ----> :faint:

I could never thank :iconj4m3sb0nd: and :icontaenaron: enough for this.

Also thanks to the Universum Artifex crew for their comments and constant support!!! :D

I cant answer to all coments but I will try to read them all!! :)
Image size
886x1240px 605.97 KB
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SRSmith's avatar
Very cool! A DD well deserved!