P-2Factor---Stock on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/factor---stock/art/P-2-15545535Factor---Stock

Deviation Actions

Factor---Stock's avatar




1: You must note me and let me know if you are using anything.
2: You must note me upon posting the final version of whatever your working on, so that I may see it
3: You must link to this account in the description.
4: These photos are for Personal use only. You may not use any one of them for commercial use of any kind.

Details on photo:
This is my boy, Shawn or ~Azrial-shion
I did a shoot with him, and got a few really good one's out of it. This one (or rather, a crop of it) is on my main DA gallery now, but I wanted to see what other people (if anyone choose to) could do with it. This is the full, un-cropped version that is rather large.

Image size
1226x818px 399.99 KB
© 2005 - 2025 Factor---Stock
anonymous's avatar
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parsoncarter's avatar
You look like from 3D!!! AWESOME!