Zombie Propaganda - They Never SleepFabledCreative on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/fabledcreative/art/Zombie-Propaganda-They-Never-Sleep-330508013FabledCreative

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Zombie Propaganda - They Never Sleep




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Title - Zombie Propaganda - They Never Sleep
Media - Screen Print Poster, 100LB Paper. 2 Colours
Method - Photoshop CS4
Dimensions - 18x24 Inches
Quantity - Limited Edition of 100, Signed & Numbered
Client - Bottleneck Gallery

Details: This is my third of a set of 3 posters inspired by a Zombie Outbreak and the possible Propaganda Posters to be produced in the response to such a threat!

This Poster educates the population to the need of military response to the threat. In particular to the fact that Zombie don't sleep so we need to be always prepared! Info at the bottom of the poster inform the reader of who these posters are produced by such as ..

The CDC (Centre for Disease Control)
USZF (United States Zombie Forces)
Federal Zombie Awareness HQ

Hope you Enjoy!

Zombie Poster Set
Zombie Propaganda - Drop the Bombs by ron-guyattZombie Propaganda - Buy Z Bonds by ron-guyattZombie Propaganda - They Never Sleep by ron-guyatt
Image size
5400x7200px 10.8 MB
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