FabianMonk on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fabianmonk/art/HIM-mock-promo-poster-55753539FabianMonk

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HIM mock promo poster



So some time ago homedank mcawesome Copeland himself ( :iconkweli: ) posted up up warm up sketches ( [link] ), after I asked him if he's got any for me to practice colors on. And once I saw them all lined up like that, this idea popped into my head, and what you see above is the result of said idea.

Now, note the "mock" in the title. This is in no way an actual promotional poster for Kweli's creator owned project "Him". The date at the bottom is totally fictional, as is almost everything else. In fact, the only character in this image that even has anything to do with "Him", is Him himself - the dude with the halo, as well as the dude in the top right corner (in reality it's the same guy, I just chose to use him twice and have him double as a second random person). All the other dudes are completely nonsensical, at least in this context. Or so I believe... I really don't know, you'd have to ask Kweli for specifics.
What's also nonsensical is the japanese kanji. If my source can be trusted, it stands for "soft shelled turtle", and yes, that has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Originally I was going to find the japanese kanji for "Him", and use that. But google didn't give me the answers I wanted, and I figured before I asked around and would have to wait, I'd use something else. For a brief moment I considered using the kanji for samurai, or something actually related to the image. But honestly, anything other than "Him" would have just been an excuse to slap some japanese lettering on there because I think it looks cool. And if I'm going to go ahead and take that route, I might as well go all the way and turn the tables on the japanese who do the same damn thing with english. It's cause I'm a comedian (actually the idea to go ludicrous came from :icontriger: , I'm really not a comedian).
I'm pretty sure there's a lesson in there somewhere. EITHER WAY, I also have a version without text, if that tickles your fancy: [link] !

And I seem to remember that work in progress shots are always a bonus, so I've got some of those as well:
1 - [link]
2 - [link]
3 - [link]
4 - [link]
5 - [link]
6 - [link]
7 - [link]


Pencils by the awesome Chris Copeland :iconkweli:
Colors by me.

Software: Photoshop CS.

Image size
661x950px 205.88 KB
© 2007 - 2024 FabianMonk
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wow !! super :)