FabianMonk on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fabianmonk/art/Design-of-Dissent-Poster-79804722FabianMonk

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Design of Dissent: Poster



Here's a poster that I made last term for my Graphics class. It was part of our last project, which was an 8 page pamphlet (plus poster duh) about a topic of our choice, as long as we felt passionately enough about the topic. I chose cultural identity.
Anyway, the interior can be seen at the end of this [link] . Not very proud of the interior, turned out to be a rush job like almost everything else I did last term. This term seems to be better though. Although we still have buttloads of work, at least we get to concentrate all of our efforts on ONE final major project, so I'm confident it'll turn out better. More news on that as it advances.

Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know I am still alive. Leaving for London tomorrow morning, and then Berlin. I'll be gone for two and a half weeks roughly. Might check in here and there, but I won't be posting art (there's a surprise).

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601x850px 221.69 KB
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