FabianMonk on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fabianmonk/art/Bombface-Pixel-ID-63925848FabianMonk

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Bombface Pixel ID



I started this almost a month ago, when I was still on holiday in the U.S., but I never got the chance to finish it there. Then I totally forgot about it for a while, and now I remembered and here it is! A pixel ID. I guess you're supposed to draw yourself as a pixel fighter, but... clearly I didn't. The entire pixel ID craze however was fresh as can be, and I just wanted one too.
But dear Christ, the actual pixel image only took FOREVER! Pixel art is tedious as hell. Good job :iconscrotumnose:, and whoever else got the ball rolling on this one. I now have carpal tunnel.

Software: PS CS.

And yeah, I cheated with the gradient on his hair.
Image size
441x670px 140.63 KB
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