fab-wpg on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fab-wpg/art/Teisel-for-Teh-Dia-12366534fab-wpg

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fab-wpg's avatar

Teisel for Teh Dia



After this long I can hardly remember the asked for specifics of this picture, but I originally envisioned creating it as a little Flash animation... Somewhere along the line I said to myself, no way, you're out of practice, and that'll take way longer!

Anyway, what you see before you is what I devolved the idea into. Though in my head I can still picture my original vision, for everyone else who can't, I suppose it's a decently enjoyable picture. If you didn't notice already, this was done for Dia as a late, late, late birthday present! In this case, late=month. >_<;; Forunately, I showed it to Dia before anyone else, and she has already forgiven me! ^_^
Image size
1024x768px 198.17 KB
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