BE TEASED!!!!!!! here is a little taste of what you can expect from my new "Rio" piece... a very select and or patient few have seen this picture already, but I figured that I'd show you my progress.... haven't had a lot of time to work on it lately unfortunately... but I'm happy to say its almost completed! Hope you all like it!!!!
P.S. Make sure to look me up on both YouTube and Facebook at the links below!!!
You can also reach me at my email:
Check out Some of my newest you tube videos right here on my journal entry!!!!
All videos displayed are available in full 1080p HD picture!
ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Posting Works again
I talked to my boss, and I'm now allowed to post stuff I do at work, yaaaay! ^_^
Get Ready
I'm about to drop some work again.. finally settled in, already have some done.. been working like crazy lately... wish I could post my designs from my job, but unfortunately the company I work for holds the rights to them, but don't worry, I'll be trying to release something by the end of this week or next week.... been painting as much as I can.. been getting really heavy into after effects.. made a bunch of intro's for people.. practicing up, maybe someday I'll be able to move on with my career as a professional designer, and take that to a whole new level...
For all of you who were wondering where I've been... about 5 months ago, I was h
Gonna start fresh...
Hey guys... just thought I would tell anyone who actually cares, that I am starting from scratch.... I dumped any weight that was on my shoulders off onto the side... and filed every single last one of my works, into a specified "old works" folder under my gallery tab... if you don't like it, suck it. sorry... but seriously.. I'm tired of looking at what I've done and hating what I see.. from now on.. I will vow to myself to never again allow someone else to see a piece of my art that I don't like myself.... I have to at least like what I create... I used to like what I had created.. but now... I just want to shed anything that isn't what i'm
what should I do with my art...
Sooo, I have something kind of Sad to tell all of you guys.... I think i'm gonna delete all of my art..... I feel like, I just need to start fresh.. I have so much trouble drawing and painting in the style I have, and I realized... maybe its because Its not my style at all.... tell me what you think.... i'm just troubled that I cant paint or draw anymore...
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This is awesome can't wait for the final pice!!!!!!