f-wd on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/f-wd/art/Aya-Brea-195561756f-wd

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Aya Brea



taking a break from commissions, sorry ;v;

started off as a doodle/stress relief, but decided to render it a bit more

anyone getting The 3rd Birthday? :la:
I really want to play it but I don't have a PSP D;
I wish they made it for PS3 instead

I remember I liked playing Parasite Eve 1 and 2 *v*
I also liked its movie and novel (concepts are the same in the Parasite Eve games, but Squaresoft decided to make their own story for it? I think)

Aya Brea (c) SquareEnix
Image size
625x1000px 447.56 KB
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