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Dissonance 12672



Name: Dissonance 
Nicknames: Sour Note
ID: 12672
Species: DracoStryx
Type: Common Corva
Owner: EmpressAkitla 
Sex: Female
Genotype: Ee/aa/ss/nFl/nMn/nBl/nFd/nJ/nAr
Phenotype: Nox Blanket Faded Flecked Moon Jay Aurora
Free Marks: Eye dots, Minimal White
Tail: Spiked
Mutations: Spines
Biorhythm: Nocturnal  
Health: Healthy
Status: Omega

Basic Training? no
Eye of Galyx? no

Companions: xx
Tack: xx
Breath Ability: xx

Personality: Part of an acappella group with her siblings, she's known as the one who has the uncanny ability to sing in two different voices at the same time. Also known for giving their songs a creepier vibe with her sour notes. She doesn't smile often unless she's messing with somebody. Feels uncomfortable amongst birds other than her siblings.

Origins: Clutch Details
------------------------------------------ SSS: Big Daddy 1303
----------------- SS: Orion 3900
------------------------------------------ SSD: Medya 2559
Sire: Mystery 11044
------------------------------------------ SDS: Coin 2316
----------------- SD: Helix 3513
------------------------------------------ SDD: Aurora 2000

------------------------------------------ DSS: Othello 5948
----------------- DS: Laertes 6555
------------------------------------------ DSD: Ophelia 6225
Dam: Andromeda 11233
------------------------------------------ DDS: Marceon 9456
----------------- DD: Noelle 8165
------------------------------------------ DDD: Zinfandel 6868

Design by: EmpressAkitla
Image size
2591x1470px 3.47 MB
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