Deviation Actions
I've always loved the look of Calameramon. (I dont watch anime but i know she's a brat lol) The eyes are kinda freaky but i love cecaelia. If you think of it, since squid mouths (beaks) are literally in that area, and her head looks like a beak sort of, it is actually 'atomically accurate' (facepalms self) and that is awesome!...Wow. That seems twisted lol. I guess it's like my qualms with flower people having flowers for skirts instead of heads with the legs being green, anthros harpies and beastmen having too humanoid legs or feet, (Im lenient with arms and hands only lol) sirens being shown as mermaids instead of harpylike creatures, gorgons with snake tails, bird people having wings on their shoulders but not as arms, small wings on fairies and dragons, cherubim being shown as cute babies instead of four-faced beings, etc.