Costa Rican GrottoExtremeProjects on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

February 1, 2011
Costa Rican Grotto by ~ExtremeProjects is a wonderfully detailed and highly realistic scenery with lots of fine natural details. Enjoy and check the rest of the artist's work.
Featured by KeremGo
ExtremeProjects's avatar

Costa Rican Grotto



Edit: HOLY CRAP! Thank you for the Daily Deviation!
I literally did not expect this to get a DD! So thank you very much :)

This is a tribute piece to Dax Pandhi (aka =nukeation) of QuadSpinner.
It was inspired by Nuke's Costa Rican Shores image... Dax, may Costa Rica be as incredible as your renders!

A wallpaper version can be found on my website gallery by clicking the subtitle of the image.

Extreme Projects

I hope you like the image as much as I do! :)
Image size
1920x1079px 1.48 MB
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Where in Costa Rica is this? It's by far my favorite country and I intend on retiring there.