G36 CQC eX-Mod . -l-exizt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/exizt/art/G36-CQC-eX-Mod-l-127821672exizt

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G36 CQC eX-Mod . -l-



[[[ NOTE: Updating all renders or pictures in the gallery ]]]

Wow, that was a hard work. I spend very much time on this model it is not finished yet. This is a details are the pure timekiller.

What was the concept? I´ve wanted a compact weapon for Close Quarter Combat (that explains the CQR in the name). So i think about what equipment i missed during my last training and what would be helpful on a mission.

The showed parts dosnt resemble 100% the originals, but i must be ok for the coolnes factor.

I oriented me on folowing special equipment:

- HK416 Butt Stock (modified)
- FN SCAR style Front Sight on gas block (modified)
- A.R.M.S. 40 Low Flip up Rear Sight (modified)
- Aimpoint Comp M4 (modified)
- LA-5 PEQ ATPIAL (modified)
- Blaackhawk Sentinel PL 3 (modified)
- MagPul System
- Killflash ARD Filter
- Oberland Arms G-Mag (modified 40 Rounds)
Image size
1280x800px 289.56 KB
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thetnknownbrony's avatar
Looks Awesome!
Reminds me of one of my friends airsoft Modded G36