Exiled-Artist on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/exiled-artist/art/Winter-Uniform-Concept-422613388Exiled-Artist

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Exiled-Artist's avatar

Winter Uniform Concept



Original characters. One artwork of many from a series of drawings I've been doing over time. Originally it was for practice (pose, colors, clothing, technique, etc.), but in the end it was given as a Christmas gift to others who would be able to take the art and the original concepts beyond what I could do with it... The final version of this drawing has a full winter background. Previous works from this series of drawings will most likely not be uploaded.

Paint Tool Sai
Photoshop CS5
Image size
1240x1754px 2.31 MB
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teturo's avatar
Lovely eyes and expressions ^_^