ExcaliburZero on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/excaliburzero/art/MIT-License-Logo-595847140ExcaliburZero

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MIT License Logo



This is a logo that I created for the MIT License using Inkscape. I have included the svg file for it in the downloads section, along with two png versions of it, one uncompressed at full color quality, and one reduced down to two colors and compressed.

I saw that someone had created a logo for the GPL3 license, so I figured I might as well trying making a logo of my favourite software license. It came out better than I expected.

The font for the word "License" is Liberation Sans, and the font for the word "MIT" was custom made.

Unfortunately the MIT License is not meant for images, so I had to settle for releasing it under a Creative Commons license. So feel free to use it for anything you want as long as you follow the CC-BY 3.0 license.
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Great work! I sent you a PM regarding its use.