Tu ne peux pas te retournereXaHeVa on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/exaheva/art/Tu-ne-peux-pas-te-retourner-283444600eXaHeVa

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eXaHeVa's avatar

Tu ne peux pas te retourner



Tu ne peux pas te retourner est une bande-dessinée interactive où on peut seulement aller vers l'avant, c'est à dire la droite.


"You can't go back" is an interactive comic strip in which we can only advance, (to the right).

Here the translation of the game:

- Hey, where are you going my angel?
- Wait, why are you leaving?
- We're going to play football!
- Where 're you goin'? Although it's great!
-Wanna see a movie at home after class?
-Hey... I... Wait... I love you!
-We're going to have a drink to celebrate your new job here!
- Finally you're here. I've been waiting for you. Go ahead, I'm right behind you.
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LNDFrance's avatar
Excellent... Et terriblement frustrant.