RevenantEVOUniverse on DeviantArt

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Introducing another villain from my rogue gallery. Revenant, the infamous leader of the Zombie Nation.

Revenant is a class 10 elemental EVO that has the ability to absorb and breakdown matter at the atomic level, and turn it into energy for sustenance, flight, or to unleash near nuclear force destructive blasts depending on how much he absorbs. His absorption ability is unparalleled drawing power from the air that he breathes, to a person or in organic object he touches turning them to dust in a matter of seconds. He can even absorb power from water, fire, and electricity. 

That along with his calm gentleman demeanor, razor sharp intelligence, masks how much of a sociopath he is making him one of the most dangerous superhuman's on the planet.

The character Revenant is copyright under the EVO Universe. 
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