Dawn Sophia Dennison By Lupus SoulEVOUniverse on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/evouniverse/art/Dawn-Sophia-Dennison-By-Lupus-Soul-462973254EVOUniverse

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Dawn Sophia Dennison By Lupus Soul



Okay, let me first begin by saying...NO I did not draw this...lol. I am 3D artist with no drawing skills, and I am lucky I can pull off the artwork that I've done so far.

This panel promo drawing was done by the wonderful and talent LupusSoul who is ALSO the artist currently working on the first series of our comic book, which is basically the retelling of my novel that we plan to debut later this year. We're ten pages in, and I can tell you all first hand that artwork is emotional and mind blowing, I could not have picked a better person to be my partner and I mean it.

So look out for the FIRST ISSUE of the comic book series "THE FIRST" coming out later this year!
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