Evoloons's avatar


Years Ago
WooI have to say I am super exited at the amount of interest so far in this! It is overwhelming in a good way!   I am sure to be needing more help as this group gets bigger if it does at this rate!  but I will talk more about that later and so on

It would be super great to have this be a supergroup from the beginning so I am going to use all my 1688 points as a start save up! I am also thinking of tons of more ribbon collectibles 8D and tons of stuff and I am exited to also hear suggestions from you all! D8< we evolve this together :D

Sorry for being very strict in the beginning with the designs following the rules xD its just to avoid tons of confusion or tons of people making up ways to go around them after seeing some are let through! doing my best here to approve, and that word is stuck in my mind haha.

I AM SO HAPPY seeing so many gifts being made wooo I love that feeling, and its something I miss so much from when I used to hang on this old oekaki 8D and I am exited to do random gifts again! now I have tons of epic new characters to draw! but please do not ask me to draw you a gift, I wont do requests xD

SO 3 of the first things that will be happening in this group that will win you a feature you can only get through events/money is Group icon contest, supergroup points auction for a feature from the event/money list AND awesome joining gift for the earlybirds

8D more rules and how to get one  in the deviation under!!!
Evoloon Event_ EARLY BIRD EVENT CLOSED by griffsnuff
:D you can now use this feature on your Evoloon! it can not be obtained anywere else , only until the group hits 300 (you have to have an evoloon approved in the approved folder to be able to get this feature and you have to be a member!

AS SOON as the group hits 300 members, this event  is no longer available!

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Important update/info about Evoloons! <- WHAT NOT TO DO simple versionmore details underOK WOKE UP with over 50-100 new notes xD so I have decided to make a group! were you can submit and await approval from there, I hope I can say why somehting isnt approved if I decline a deviation, let me know.BUT BEFORE we hurry over there to submit our evoloon! go through this checklist and make sure you are not clashing with an of it! from 50 notes today, these are the most common mistakes some do.AND PLEASE xD my head is a little herp, so if you got yours approved with any of the ones under , I would love it if you changed it so I dont have to go over all 200 notes again that I have a... Evoloon the Upgrade species by griffsnuff

------------------------------ Under are closed stored events from page!

Evoloon Event_ EARLY BIRD EVENT CLOSED by griffsnuff
Squidchicken flock will fly off when group hits 300, so no matter if you are a new or old member of the group with an approved evoloon, you have to make one before 300.

YOU CAN NOT MAKE ONE after the group passes 300, if you have not submitted one until then, it is to late 8C!!!
AND make sure you upload it to deviantart, any other place does not count!¨

ONE Squidchicken per person! if you own more than one Evoloon, you need to choose which of them gets the Squidchicken!

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Changes to the Treasury and Shop Part 1 by Evoloons, journal

Evoloon of The Month: May 2020 by Evoloons, journal

#SoundOfSilenceMovement by Evoloons, journal

Loonia on ToyHouse by Evoloons, journal

About Evoloons and Eclipse by Evoloons, journal