Welcome to Loonia!

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Evoloons Winter Banner 1 by Evoloonbot

About Evoloons

Evoloon is an ARPG (art roleplay game) open evolution-based species, meaning you can make your own and upgrade it by following our rules and guidelines.

Evoloons are designed creatures: we as creators control where they live, what they do and even when they get to have "babies"! They can live in any world, it is all up to the creators. There will however be a growing co-op world that will be made over time so stay tuned!

:bulletblack: Anyone can join this group!
:bulletblack: Anyone can make a normal Evoloon and submit it for approval.
:bulletblack: Only Evoloon related artworks can be submitted to this group.
:bulletblack: Be part of creating a nice community!
:bulletblack: No spamming, hating or trolling, this will result in blocking.

:mobile: For the mobile site users: to join our group, go to the "About us" section you can reach by clicking on the people icon on top of the page  AboutUs by Stygma. You'll find the "Join our Group" button there.

If you have trouble navigating our menu, you can use the phone friendly Site Map.

Evoloons were created by griffsnuff
Evoloons are owned by crocopossum and Stygma

Important Information

Evoloon Creation, Breeding and Approval Guides

Reference Sheets and Trackers

You can submit your reference sheet or tracker only if your Evoloon is approved.

Evoloon Features and Modifiers

The World of Loonia


Evoloon Community

CSS by Stygma
© 2017 - 2024 Evoloons
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Tobiaskin's avatar
Beautifully done! Great work!