Trading Rules

3 min read

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General rules of trading/gifting

Companions, Evoloons, eggs, ribbons and items...

  • Can only be traded (when permitted) for companions, Evoloons, eggs, items, ribbons or art.
  • Cannot be sold for DA points, money or other currency (fake or real).
  • Cannot be traded for non-Evoloon characters or non-Evoloon items.
  • Cannot be traded for real merchandise, gift cards or other physical items.

Hatched Evoloons

  • The evoloon must be designed by the original artist.
  • The evoloon must be approved before being traded.
  • Traded/gifted Evoloons cannot earn any new upgrade as their heart is broken. Their heart can be healed by doing a trial.
  • Any upgrade earned before the evoloon is traded are still valid and can be customized by the new owner.
  • No drawing is necessary to trade an evoloon.
  • Warning! If the original owner of the evoloon removes the art of this evoloon from their account or close their account, you will lose the evoloon as all proof of their existence will be removed. This is how you can prevent this: Saving your Evoloon art, a Guide!

Hatched Companions

  • The companion must be designed by the original owner (artist). For some companions, the colors must match the original evoloon owner (see the rules for the specific companion).
  • You may not change the design of a traded companion unless you get companion upgrades or a paint potion.
  • Companions earned in an event cannot be traded until the event is over.
  • If your evoloon earns a category companion (meaish, feish, beird, flowei, ghoist, or cyboo) and trades it away, they may not earn a second one. The category companions can be re-earned through trade.
  • The companion can be traded to another user OR to a different evoloon owned by the same user.
  • You don't have to confirm the transfer of the companions to the group/mods.
  • To trade the companion draw the original evoloon owner giving the companion to the new evoloon owner.
    • Both evoloons and the companion must follow the Visibility Rule. The drawing must be colored. Background and shading are optional.
    • Either recipient can draw this image, it only has to be drawn once. Collaboration is allowed.
    • You need to draw the exchange art even if you are trading the companion between two of your own evoloons.
    • Rainbow bonus advantage: If the evoloon transferring the companion or the one receiving the companion is a GEN 1 rainbow, no art is required

Evoloon and Companion Eggs

  • If the egg has been earned from an event, it cannot be traded until the event is over.
  • No art is required to trade/gift an egg.
  • To gift/trade an egg, the current owner needs to make a transaction to the treasury in The Town Square.

Items and Currency

  • Ribbons can be gifted/traded.
  • For an event currency, please see the rules of the events.
  • See the Merlot's Shop to know which items can be transferred.
  • No drawing is necessary to trade an item.
  • To gift/trade an item or currency, the current owner needs to make a transaction to the treasury in The Town Square.

© 2016 - 2025 Evoloons
anonymous's avatar
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So if some one bred evoloons and allowed people to have them for free would that evoloon be able to earn upgraded?