The Feedback Corner

3 min read

Deviation Actions

Evoloons's avatar
Hello members and watchers of Evoloons!

In our attempt to make this group a better place, we would like to get your opinions and ideas! We'd like to know what you like, what keeps you here, what would you see more of, what you don't want to lose! We also want to know what you dislike, what makes you want to quit if it's the case, what needs to be improved or is missing. Or anything else that you have in mind regarding Evoloons!

We need your help on some specific topics, but feel free to mention anything else in your feedback:
  • Comment here if you have some ideas on how we could count magic for animations.
  • Comment here if you have some ideas on how we could count magic for crafting.
  • Comment here if you have some ideas on how to reward people putting more efforts in their work and/or are truly improving.
  • Comment here if you have some ideas on how to improve the treasury/shop/items experience.
  • To add more roleplay/lore content to the game, please go in Help creating Loonia Content.

Please, keep the discussion civil. The mods are working hard and doing their best to make this community work; there is no point attacking them personally. We are open to a constructive friendly discussion. Your ideas and concerns will be more easily received if they are shared in a respectful way! :heart:

Thank you!

~ The mod team

CSS by Stygma
© 2018 - 2025 Evoloons
anonymous's avatar
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Mad-Darkness's avatar

Would be nice to have a mod check comments on ongoing event journals from time to time.

I commented on the Amalgam release journal back in July, when the event was live. I liked the idea and considered coming back to the species, so I asked some things about this new variant, but got no reply. So well, of course after missing the event I kinda lost motivation and didn't come back to the group.

I had some loon stuff in my notifications today and I remembered this, which led me to check if I had gotten a reply (I don't always have notifications for replies, so maybe I just had missed it) but yeah, 4 months later, still nothing.

I guess that's not really an issue since I'm no longer an active member of the community, but I'd suggest keeping an eye on event journals so you wouldn't miss a more active member's questions ~