Quest Board

22 min read

Deviation Actions

Evoloons's avatar

What are quests?

Quests are an alternative way to get upgrades that is more focused on building your Evoloon story and less on grinding magic or participation.

Quests do not replace the old Time, Magic and Participation system. You can still earn upgrades with LM, GM, Time and Participation. Only the former Action requirements are replaced by quests, and all upgrades earned before quests were released are still valid. You don't lose any of your upgrades or effort. 

Bullet; Green If you were in the middle of an action progress (like eat 5 things to get this upgrade), you can finish your progress. Just make sure to put all the required art in your Evoloon's tracker. Old actions cannot be used for new upgrades. You must use the quest system instead.


The Quest Points needed to get an upgrade must equal the rank of the upgrade. For example, for a rank 3 upgrade, you need to gather 3 Quest Points. In order to get the proper amount of points, you can either do multiple small quests or one bigger quest. If your quest is granting you more quest points than necessary for an upgrade, you can use the remaining points for another upgrade.

The quest piece can be one artwork, one comic or one story (except for challenging quests which have their own requirements):
  • Artwork: Gives 1 quest point.
  • Comic: Gives 1 quest point per panel following the rules.
  • Story: Gives 1 quest point per 350 words (rounded down).
  • Challenging Quests: Gives 4 quest points. See the Challenging Quests section to know the requirement for each quest.

The Quest Points are consumed when the upgrade(s) is/are used. Each artwork must be used only once. You have to choose which upgrade(s) are earned by the quest. You can use the quest points later, but when you choose the upgrade(s) earned by the quest, you need to add the required info (see next topic) in the description of your artwork. We strongly suggest to choose the 1 quest = 1 upgrade method if possible to make the process easier.

You can choose yourself which quests you want to do. You don't have to follow any order. You don't have to do them all. You can repeat a quest multiple times, even with the same Evoloon. You can do the same quest with different Evoloons, as long as you draw new art for each Evoloon.

Make sure to mention in your deviation or in the title the type of quest and the number. Example: Trivial quest #17. 

Art must be submitted in the Quest Art folder.

Questions or comments? Please write them here.

Info to add to the description of your quest art

For each upgrade earned by the quest, you need to add this info in the description of your quest art:

Evoloon this quest is for: link to approval art
Upgraded earned through this quest: (If you need more than one quest to get the upgrade, please also include the mention "(partial)")
Ancient Bonus: (if so, link to the approval art of your ancient)

We suggest you make a tracker for your Evoloon, especially if you are using more than one quest to get a single upgrade.


Character rules
  • A quest can be done by only one Evoloon at a time and this Evoloon is the one that will receive the quest points.
  • Heart-bonded Evoloons can do quests together. They will both get quest points.
  • You can draw more than one Evoloon to get magic, but only one can receive the reward from the quest.
  • When a quest requires that you use one or more of your own Evoloons, one of them must be the one receiving the Quest Points. Only ONE of them can receive the Quest Points, unless their heartbonded partner is also part of the art. Then they both receive the Quest Points.
  • You must have permission to draw any character that is not yours. You can always draw our NPCs. You can find more Evoloons to draw in the Evoloons - General permission Journal.
  • You are not allowed to use Evoloons that are not approved.
  • You are not allowed to use non-Evoloons that are not approved (like creating a fake character from a closed species without permission).
  • You are not allowed to use a copyrighted character or a character from a fandom (examples: Balto, Pikachu or any commercial character.)
Quest and upgrade rules
  • Quests are repeatable and can be done by all of your Evoloons (just not more than 1 per quest). They can also be repeated with the same Evoloon.
  • Quests do give Magic.
  • Quests don't give participation.
  • Quests cannot be combined with another quests/activities/events. A quest piece must be new and only used for the quest. You cannot put more than one quest in a quest art, comic or story.
  • Mention in your deviation or in the title the type of quest and the number. Example: Quest #17 -  Trivial.
  • You have to submit your quest art in this folder.
  • You have to unlock a category first to get one of its upgrade. For example, you need to unlock the Monster category to get any Monster upgrade with quests.
  • You can combine the requirements to unlock an upgrade category with a quest.
  • :new: Only one Ancient bonus can be applied to a quest.
Art and literature rules
  • Art:
    • The Evoloon getting the quest points needs to fulfill the Visibility Rule.
    • The artwork needs a background with depth and needs to be fully colored (unless stated otherwise). 
    • No abstract coloring, unless the quest asks you too.
    • Your artwork must show some effort and some quality. No messy lines or sketch/draft lines. No messy coloring.
  • Comic:
    • The Evoloon getting the quest points needs to fulfill the Visibility Rule in each panel in order for this panel to give a point.
    • Each panel needs a unique background with depth and needs to be fully colored in order for this panel to give a point (unless stated otherwise). 
    • Each panel must be uniquely drawn, meaning that you cannot reuse art, neither the background nor the evoloon (not even sketch or lineart) in a different panel.
    • No abstract coloring, unless the quest asks you too.
    • Your comic must show some effort and some quality. No messy lines or sketch/draft lines. No messy coloring.
    • You can add panels that don't follow the rules for the sake of your story, but they won't grant quest points.
  • Stories:
    • Stories can be longer than the amount of required words.
    • Stories need to be in English. If English is not your native language and you choose to write, just do your best. Please take your time to spell-check it.

Ancient Bonus

If you own an Ancient Evoloon: 
  • The Quest you do rewards twice as many Quest Points if you use all of these points for upgrades that are from the same category of your Ancient
  • :new: Only one Ancient bonus can be applied per quest.

For example, if you do a 2-panel comic for a quest and you have an Aquatic ancient:
  • If you want to use the points for a Monster upgrade, the quest will give you 2 quest points
  • If you want to use all the points for Aquatic upgrades, the quest will give you 4 quest points

Please check out the Special Evoloons - The Ancients for more info about Ancient Bonuses.

Quest Board

Quest points:
  • Artwork: 1 quest point.
  • Comic: 1 quest point per panel following the rules.
  • Story: 1 quest point per 350 words (rounded down).

1. It's a beautiful day and your Evoloon is exploring the area. Something gets their attention; it's an interesting rock! Feature your Evoloon finding the rock. What makes it interesting?

2. Your Evoloon is crafty! Feature them building something with sticks. Is it art? A shelter? Furniture? A toy? Something else? Make sure we have an idea of what your Evoloon is making.

3. It's time for a small celebration or maybe a romantic dinner. Your Evoloon is out to pick something to eat and decorate and discovers a strange plant. Feature your Evoloon discovering the plant.

4. Maybe your Evoloon is very hungry or have a tooth ache or is just very playful today! Feature them chewing on a bone or a root.

5. It's time to learn something new, by choice or by accident maybe… Feature your Evoloon swimming for the first time. It is in the sea, a lake, a pool, or even a bathtub?

6. The stars are gorgeous tonight! Feature your Evoloons star-gazing. Maybe they'll be lucky enough to see a shooting star!

7. A quest for you, the artist! Do a pixel art of min 100 x 100 pixel of a Evoloon. It must be full colored with a background that has depth. It can show any Evoloon, even an NPC or somebody else's Evoloon (with their permission).

8. Everybody needs a hole from time to time, to plant something, to hide a treasure, to make a pool or foundations for a house and more. Feature your Evoloon digging (in earth / sand / mud / snow / underwater / on rocky ground...) 

9. Your Evoloon is hungry! Feature them eating meat / vegetables / candy / fast food / herbs. Where is it? Outside? At home? At a restaurant?

10. Your Evoloon experiences fire for the first time. How did it happen? Are they afraid, intrigued, enchanted, something else? Show their reaction. 

11. Sometimes you see someone, or some animal, and you know already that you are meant to be friends. Sometimes, it takes a bit more time to know each other. Feature your Evoloon befriending another Evoloon / non-Evoloon / creature. It can be one of your characters, a NPC, someone else's character (with their permission) or an animal / fantasy creature.

12. It's a summer day and everything is buzzing or fluttering. Feature your Evoloon finding / investigating an insect.

13. It's a resting day, or maybe a lazy day! Feature your Evoloon resting on their favorite place. What or where is it? Does it look comfy or is your Evoloon likes to sleep in the most unusual places?

14. This place is known/believed to be haunted! In fact, one of the most haunted place in Loonia! Feature your Evoloon there. Is something happening or your Evoloon is just spooked by their own shadow?

15. Not a good day! Feature your Evoloons feeling sick. Where are they?

16. Someone else is not feeling good! Feature your Evoloon tending to another. Are they being emotional support? Are they bandaging the other Evoloon? It can show any Evoloon, even an NPC or somebody else's Evoloon (with their permission).

17. Is it spring or did your Evoloon just see someone who stole their heart? Feature your Evoloon trying to flirt. Are they successful? It can show any Evoloon, even an NPC or somebody else's Evoloon (with their permission).

18. Ouch! Your Evoloon was bitten by something! Feature them getting bitten. By what? Where?

19. There's a big storm and your Evoloon is far from home! Feature them caught in the storm (sandstorm, thunderstorm, blizzard, etc.). Even if there is a storm, we need to have a glimpse of the environment. For example: You cannot just put your Evoloon on a white background because it's a snow storm. We need to see more environment elements in the picture.

20. Feature your Evoloon waking up in the morning. Are they a morning bird or a night owl? How eager are they to welcome a new day?

21. All over Loonia one can meet many travelling merchants all year long. Some are cruising under the warm sun while others brave the elements to provide precious goods. Feature your Evoloon coming across a travelling Merchant. Do they buy anything? Where do they meet? The merchant can be a Evoloon or a non-Evoloon. They can be one of your characters, an NPC or someone else's character (with their permission).

22. Feature your Evoloon climbing an enormous tree. Is it in the forest, in the middle of a field, in your Evoloon's backyard? Is your Evoloon brave or afraid? Are they already near the top or just starting their ascent?

23. Nature can provide some entertainment! Feature your Evoloon watching a nearby animal behave strangely or being funny.

24. Bad hair day? Something in an eye? Just striking handsome? Feature your Evoloon looking at their reflection. In a mirror? On water? Or another reflective surface?

25. Hunter or playful, draw your Evoloon chasing something. It could be anything from another Evoloon, to a flock of birds. It can be one of your characters, a NPC, someone else's character (with their permission) or an animal / fantasy creature.

26. The fauna of Loonia is diverse. Evoloons are also able to use portals to visit other worlds and see even more creatures. Feature your Evoloon coming across a color changing lizard. How fascinating!

27. Feature your Evoloon watching a sunset or sunrise. Are they watching it from their home? On the beach? At the lake? Maybe in a snowy plain? Or somewhere else?

28. The temperature is warm! Fields are colorful, and florists have plenty of bouquets to offer. Feature your Evoloon surrounded by flowers.

29. Your Evoloon might be intrepid, lost or just have no choice to be there. Feature them exploring somewhere dangerous. Where is it and why is it dangerous?

30. It's early fall and a harvesting time for Loonia. Forests and gardens are full of busy Evoloons. Feature your Evoloon picking nuts. How are they reaching the branches to pick them?  

31. The harvesting was good this year! Your Evoloon was on a walk to find nuts and they found quite a few. What are they planing to do with them? Will they eat them? Maybe they want to feed their companions with them?  

32. The advantage of eating meat is that it's accessible all year long, almost everywhere on Loonia. But you have to catch it first! Feature your Evoloon hunting. Where are they? What is the season? How are they doing? Are they successful? What is their prey of choice? Do they use weapons or are natural hunters? 

33. The woods and forests or Loonia are rich in mushrooms and fungi, a treasure for many creatures and Evoloons. Feature your Evoloon collecting mushrooms. Where are they trying to find them? Do they know there are poisonous ones too?

34. Finally, the ground is warm, the fields are green and it's time to plant flowers and veggies! Feature your Evoloon trying gardening. What are they planting? 

35. Loonia is rich on fruits and berries. Fruits are even growing on cactus and some berries are only edible in winter. Feature your Evoloon reaching for fruits. Are they tall enough to reach them or do they have to come up with an idea? 

36. Your Evoloon found a way to put unnatural colors on its skin / fur. How did they do that? Did they find a fruit or something to paint with? Feature your Evoloon painting on its or another Evoloon's body. Don't forget to add a background with depth. Your art needs to show at least two Evoloons. It can be one of your Evoloons, a NPC or someone else's Evoloon (with their permission). Draw one picture (no literature allowed).

37. It's not always peaceful in Loonia! Another creature / Evoloon challenged yours. Are they fighting for territory? For food? Or maybe just for fun? Draw that scene, and don't forget to show where they are! Draw one picture or write a story.

38. Some Evoloons know and enjoy technology, especially in the Cyber towns. Feature your Evoloon enjoying a TV night with friends. Include at least one Evoloon belonging to another member (with their permission). If you aim for Magic, you can of course add more Evoloons! Draw one picture or write a story.

39. What to do best on a warm sunny day then to go to the beach? Loonia has many of them! Feature at least two Evoloons in a beach scene. For a drawing, they all need to fulfill the visibility rule. Draw one picture or write a story.

40. It is said that some Evoloons like Evoloons cannot die; it's not the same for all creatures on Loonia! Your Evoloon finds the skeleton / bones of a dead creature. Feature this scene and how your Evoloon react. Draw one picture or write a story.

41. Your Evoloon made a friend from another species. Is this species very different to them? Are them very similar maybe? Show your Evoloon being interested in one of its friend's features. Draw one picture or write a story, and don't forget to include where they are.

42. It's not always easy to make a good impression! Feature your Evoloon trying to impress another Evoloon (yours, or someone else's with their permission) or NPC. How are they doing it? Where are they? Draw one picture or write a story.

43. Today is a gathering day. In many places on Loonia, Evoloons and other creatures are gathering for games and fun. Many sport competitions are organized like races, obstacle courses, tug of war and more. Draw your Evoloon competing against other Evoloons and/or other creatures. Includes some elements in the background that show where in Loonia this gathering is situated, like a forest, mountains, the sea, etc. Draw one picture or write a story.

44. Artist challenge! Draw an old-school black-white fake screenshot (like from an old cartoon) of your Evoloon (example: 1928 Mickey Mouse cartoon). It needs to have a background with depth. (If you make sure the markings are shown, it will count as abstract colored and will give you full Magic.) Draw one picture (no literature allowed).

45. Artist challenge! Do one traditional or digital full body painting of your or someone else's Evoloon (with their permission). It needs to have a background with depth. Draw one picture (no literature allowed).

46. Gaia approaches your Evoloon asking for help, one of the companions she is taking care of ran away. What kind of companion is it? How did your Evoloon get them back? Where did they find it? Draw a 2-panel comic or write a story.

47. Your Evoloon comes across a trail of blood. Where does it lead? Is your Evoloon intrigued or concerned? Draw a 2-panel comic or write a story.

48. A Evoloon belonging to another member (with their permission) seems to be wandering around. Then they see your Evoloon, go to them, and offer them something as a blessing or a gift. What is it? Draw one picture or write a story. Both Evoloons must be featured.

49. Artist challenge! Draw your Evoloon in either a cartoon or realistic style (the style unlike your own) along with a background that has depth. If you are already familiar with both styles, you can try something more specific like art nouveau, for example. Draw one picture (no literature allowed).

50. Your Evoloon feels vibrations that seem to come from underground. It is so strange and intriguing! They start digging out of curiosity. What do they find?

51. During certain times of the year, when the weather is warmer, some mammals lose a lot of fur. Some others change their fur color twice a year! Your Evoloon notices one of those changes. Where are they? What season is it? Feature their reaction. 

52. It's rain season and there's a big thunderstorm going on. Your Evoloon found a cave to hides in. How do they feel? Are they alone? Feature this scene.

53. Your Evoloon wants to go fishing and heard things about a fishing rod. It is told it's way easier to catch fish this way! Feature them crafting and / or using the crafted fishing rod.

54. In the desert of Loonia, your Evoloon is looking for mammals because they've heard there are some able to live in this dry area and they are curious and eager to see them. Does your Evoloon find one of them? Feature the scene.

55. In one of their travels, your Evoloon comes across a large earth mammal. Where are they? What will they do? Will they ride on the beast or maybe flee in fear? Make sure to feature the mammal and the scene.

56. After they got attacked by an angry squirrel, your Evoloon decides to craft some kind of armor. Feature your Evoloon creating an armor out of natural goods they find around!

57. Your Evoloon stepped on a thorn while discovering a new place and now has a big splinter! How will they get rid of it? Will someone help them? Ouch! 

58. Your Evoloon finds an injured mammal. It is unable to feed itself. Feature your Evoloon finding and caring for the mammal friend. Where did they find it?

59. There is a beauty contest in Loonia and your Evoloon is attending the event. Are they entering it or maybe just supporting a friend? Feature their activity during the pageant and don't forget to include where it is set.

60. There are some weird sounds during night and your Evoloon's sleep is disturbed. Are they scared by the sound? Are they curious? Can they find out where the sound comes from and what is making it?

61. Your Evoloon wants to leave a story for the Evoloon generations to come. How do they do that? Which story are they telling?

62. Your Evoloon heard of giant Jellyfish that live in Jellyfish Reef. They decide to search for one, but the reef can be treacherous for unadvised visitors. How does the adventure end?

63. Your Evoloon has a horrible nightmare or a wonderful dream. Feature the nightmare / dream, with your Evoloon in it.

64. Your Evoloon was resting at home when a friend or neighbor came to visit. Feature this scene. It doesn't have to be a species from Loonia. It can be one of your characters, a NPC or someone else's character (with their permission).

65. When travelling or taking a walk / hike in the area, your Evoloon found a very quiet spot of Loonia. Where is it? What will your Evoloon do there?

66. Your Evoloon needs to walk through the caves of Spark Mountains. Those caves are full of beautiful and huge gems that is something worth to see! What does your Evoloon brings to lighten up their path? What will they find? Will they lose their way?

67. Your Evoloon decides for a time out and visits the beach of Aqua Cove to have some fun. The sand is almost white and the warm water a beautiful blue-green. Feature your Evoloon enjoying their beach day.

68. While bathing in Tranquil Falls, your Evoloon finds a gem. How do they find it and which kind of gem is it?

Challenging Quests

Those quests are meant to challenge your artistic skills. For all the following quests, a "Evoloon of your choice" can be one of your Evoloons, a NPC or someone else's Evoloon (with their permission).

Quest points: 4 points per quest

1a. Create 1 paper doll of a Evoloon of your choice and create a background for them (maybe paper trees and rocks, environment items made of play/crafting dough, cardboard or other medium). You can NOT use pre-made items like doll house items and similar things.

1b. Create 4 paper dolls of Evoloons of your choice.

2. Create 2 finger puppet of Evoloons of your choice.

3. Draw a lineless picture including at least 4 Evoloons or your choice and a background with depth. You can also do 4 single pictures instead.
Alternative: Draw 8 lineless Evoloons of your choice without a background.

4. Create a 3D sculpture (digital or traditional) / figure / plush (no Pillow with arms!) / wire sculpture of your Evoloon. For it to count, the sculpture needs to have all limbs, the head and the body in 3D.

5. Make a full body walk cycle of your Evoloon. Background not required. 

6. :new: Do 4 full body and colored pixel art of Evoloons of your choice. No background necessary. Can also be all of the same Evoloon. 

7. Draw 4 Evoloons of your choice in another artist's style. Please make sure you have their written permission to imitate their style.

8. Create 2 pillow plushies of Evoloons of your choice.

9. Was it a… Mimic?! It seems one of the Mimics seen on Halloon's Eve managed to go unnoticed! Draw a 4-panel (or more) comic of your Evoloon(s) catching it and bringing it to Novaleen to send it back home. Your loon must fulfill the visibility rule in each of the 4 panels. Each panel must have a unique background (you cannot reuse the same one). 

10. Build a tall Evoloon real-life snowman and take a photo of it. Alternatively, you can build a sand Evoloon with wet sand. It should at least be 30 cm high.

11. In the Whispering Barrens desert, your Evoloon starts seeing a Fata Morgana. What is it? How will they make it out of the desert? Draw a 4-panel (or more) comic. Your loon must fulfill the visibility rule in each of the 4 panels. Each panel must have a unique background (you cannot reuse the same one).

12. Artist challenge! Draw three Evoloons owned by other people (with their permission) with a background that has depth, or 6 Evoloons owned by other people without a background. Only one picture is required (no literature allowed).

Please write all your questions/comments here.

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ExplorerOak's avatar

Quick question,

if I'm Doing a three panel comic for quest #1, and one of the panels could also count for a different quest, quest #5, how many points would I get?  I’m guessing just three, but wanted to check.
