Paradise Evoloon

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Paradise Egg by LoonianVault

Paradise Evoloons are avian themed and show bird-like markings on their face.

To make a Paradise Evoloon, you need either:

Anatomy and Creation Rules

Paradise Evoloons by Evoloonbot
Lineart by crocopossum, coloring by JB-Pawstep 
  • The Paradise Evoloon can only have 3 base colors for the greyscale palette (black, white and any shade of grey);
  • They have special patterns and colors on their face (see the reference above);
  • Normal eye rules apply for all Paradise Evoloons, including the white iris;

  • Blue Paradise Evoloon:

    • The head must be blue;
    • The face must be white;
    • The nose and eye line/bag are black or dark grey;
    • Fawn spots are the same blue as the head;
    • All other mandatory white parts are white;
    • Cheek pattern is a black/dark grey stripe starting from the eye and connected to a "collar" of the same color around the neck (see reference);
    • You must use the same shade of black/dark grey of all the black/dark grey parts;

  • Red Paradise Evoloon:

    • The head must be red;
    • The face must be white;
    • The nose, eye line/bag, inner ears, eyebrows and thumbs are black or dark grey;
    • Fawn spots are the same red as the head;
    • Cheek patterns are a series of black/dark grey stripes under the eye (see reference).
    • You must use the same shade of black/dark grey of all the black/dark grey parts;

  • Yellow Paradise Evoloon:

    • The head must be yellow (including the face);
    • The nose must be grey, matching one of the body colors;
    • Fawn spots are the same yellow as the head;
    • All other mandatory white parts are white;
    • Cheek pattern is a big orange, red or red-toned pink round spot (see reference);

  • All the other Evoloon creation rules still apply;
  • You must link the treasury approval comment in the description of the approval sheet (egg hatching or ticket redeeming).

Bonuses and Advantages

The Paradise Evoloon has the ability to hatch a cold egg (in your possession) once a month without a hatch blanket. You need to go to The Town Square to apply this bonus on your cold egg.

If your Evoloon is heartbonded to a Paradise Evoloon, they also have the ability to hatch a cold egg once a month. 


Paradise Evoloons can pass down their anatomic features but not their bonuses (see the Breeding Guide for more details).

Trading a Paradise Evoloon

If you trade your Paradise Evoloon, you cannot use the Paradise advantage anymore.

The Paradise Evoloon will be heartbroken and won't be able to get new upgrades until the new owner mend their heart. The new owner will be able to use the Paradise Evoloon bonus even if the Evoloon's heart is broken. You can find the general trading rules in the Trading Rules journal.

Breaking Up With a Heartbonded Paradise Evoloon

When a heartbond is broken, both Evoloons have their heart broken, meaning they cannot gain new upgrades until they have their heart healed. The Paradise Evoloon advantage will still be active for the Paradise Evoloon's owner.

If you have a non-Paradise Evoloon heartbonded to a Paradise Evoloon, the non-Paradise Evoloon will lose the Paradise advantage.


To design your Paradise Evoloon, you can use one of the official Evoloon bases of the normal Evoloon. You can change the white parts to match the mandatory colors for the chosen Paradise. You have to credit the base to Evoloons in the description of your approval sheet.

Regular Evoloon Base by EvoloonbotNormal Evoloon Bases by Evoloonbot 

Race Creation History

Paradise Evoloons have been introduced in August 2018. Artists who've entered the part 2 of the summer 2018 event would receive 1 invitation for a Paradise island for one of their Evoloons. While the Evoloon was taking a nap on the island, Garan left them an egg to spice up their vacations.

Paradise Event

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