New Evoloon base coloring rule

2 min read

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Evoloons's avatar
Since we know that many softwares are not very kind with hues, and because we already have to be more lenient with traditional drawings, we will now accept a larger hue tolerance between colors. However, your colors must stay similar, meaning brown must be brown, blue-grey must be blue-grey, etc. Note: Base colors must still be from a natural common mammal palette. This rule has not changed!

For the first example here, the swatch goes from orange brown to a slightly more red brown. For the eye, they still look brown and are very similar. This would be OK!

Accepted hue tolerance example by Evoloonbot

For the second example, the swatch goes from yellow brown to orange brown and finally to red brown. Those colors are too much appart for the eyes and would not be accepted.

Rejected hue difference example by Evoloonbot

  • For bred evoloons, the colors must match the hue of one of the parent.
  • For special evoloons with a color restriction like safari or chocolate, the colors must match the mandatory hue.

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Cyanthrope's avatar
so, is pure white or black allowed as the lightest/darkest tone of a hue, or do the other colors have to be greyscale if you use white or black?