A Melanoid Evoloon can only be made during a Melanoid event. Every Melanoid event has its special set of rules. If you have a Melanoid Egg, it can only be hatched during a Melanoid Event.
Anatomy and Creation Rules
Art by JB-Pawstep
- Inner ears, eyebrows, eye line/bag, iris, nose, thumbs and fawn spots must be black or dark grey;
- For all the other features, you must follow the creation rules for the Evoloon's race;
- If you have a Melanoid Egg, it can only be hatched during a Melanoid Event. You must link the treasury approval comment in the description of the approval sheet (egg hatching).
Bonuses and Advantages
Melanoid Evoloons don't have any more bonus or advantages than the one they might have from their race.
Melanoid Evoloons must follow the breeding rules for their race (see the Breeding Guide for more details).
Trading a Melanoid Evoloon
Melanoid Evoloons must follow the trading rules for their race.
Breaking Up With a Heartbonded Melanoid Evoloon
Melanoid Evoloons must follow the breaking up rules for their race.
To design your Melanoid Evoloon, you can use one of the official Evoloon base from their race and change the white parts to black or dark grey. You have to credit the base to Evoloons in the description of your approval sheet.
Variation Creation History
Melanoid Evoloons were introduced in March 2017.
Melanoid Event
Melanoid - After-Event
Melanoid Event - 2018
Melanoid After Event 2018
Melanoid Event 2019