Magic Disciplines

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The History of Magic

Everything in Loonia is filled with magic, including the living creatures like Evoloons, their companions, and the fauna and flora. Evoloons use this magic to evolve and modify their body (with upgrades). The magic itself is strongly affected by the environment. For example, a creature living in an aquatic environment will use magic differently than one living in a desert.

The very first Evoloons didn't have much control over magic at first. Changes in their anatomy would occur unexpectedly. Life was hard then. Evoloons were primal and knew very little of the world. Their body changed to adapt to the environment they were living in. Evoloons learned how to use magic from interacting with their surroundings, but later learned that they could shape magic themselves to fit or change their way of life. Back then, Evoloons where strongly attuned to a specific discipline of magic. These first Evoloons are now known as the Ancients.

Evoloons progressed, learning how to create homes and how to travel. They were not as vulnerable and were no longer exposed to only one specific type of magic. They needed to be adaptable to many environments and lifestyles. They became the Evoloons we know now, born like a blank canvas and able to easily learn any type of magic.

"Magic discipline" will start to replace the terms "upgrade category" in the group because it covers more than just upgrades.

The Magic Companions

Basic Companions by Evoloonbot

On Loonia, there are creatures that are not only filled with magic, they are born from it. They are very elusive but are very attracted by love, generosity and compassion. These creatures like to attune to a specific discipline of magic. Evoloons learned how to attract these creatures to have them as companions. They are what we call the Basic Companions. Evoloons can only attract one companion of each kind in their lifetime. It is said that there are other ways to attract basic companions than a huge demonstration of altruism, but the Evoloon who wants to take this path will have to show a great dedication to the magic discipline the companion was born from.

The Order

The Order is a group of Evoloons who represent the magic disciplines and who have a key role to play for the Evoloon community. These Evoloons trained all their life to fulfill their role, usually too complex or demanding for regular folks.

The Order was created a long time ago, when Evoloons realized they could benefit from other Evoloons knowledge and skills. They are not leaders, they are more like guides and mentors.

The Disciplines


This is the type of magic that is the easier to use and the first type of magic that was mastered by the Evoloons' ancestors. This discipline is not connected to a specific element, environment or way of life. 

This discipline doesn't need to be unlocked.


This type of magic is related to water, snow, ice, aquatic life, aquatic environments and polar environments. It's one of the oldest environment and element discipline. It is said that the Aquaticloons were the first to travel a long distance to discover new lands.

Basic companion: Feish
Ancient: Aquaticloon
Order NPC: Travis (The Traveller)
Favorite superpowers: H2O manipulation, Plant/coral manipulation (specialized in coral)
Favorite fields of work: Fishing, sailing, underwater building and sea travelling. 
How to unlock: To learn this kind of magic, your Evoloon must understand the nature of water. You must draw your evoloon underwater at least once.


This type of magic is related to air, wind, flying and birds. It's one of the oldest environment and element discipline.

Basic companion: Beird
Ancient: Avianloon
Order NPC: Garan (The Storkloon)
Favorite superpower: Wind manipulation
Favorite fields of work: Travelling by air, suspended habitation building, weather forecasting, delivery and postal services.
How to unlock: The Avian Discipline is more accessible to Evoloon who dream to fly, be light and be free. You must draw your evoloon lineless at least once.


This type of magic is related to life, flora, dream, light, spirituality and knowledge. At first, the celestial magic was the magic of forests, plants and insects. The evoloons added a spiritual aspect to this type of magic.

Basic companion: Flowei
Ancient: Celestiloon
Order NPC: Novaleen (The Mage)
Favorite superpowers: Plant/coral manipulation (specialized in plants), Power of the Mind, Light manipulation
Favorite fields of work: Healing, medicine, spiritual guidance, history and magic studying.
How to unlock: Life is often associated with movement, and Evoloons attuned with the Celestial Discipline can walk great distances to find knowledge and enlightenment. You must animate your evoloon at least once.


This type of magic is related to science and technology. It's the youngest type of magic, created by Evoloons. On Loonia, technology is fuelled by magic.

Basic companion: Cyboo
Ancient: Cyberloon
Order NPC: PEBKAC (The Engineer)
Favorite superpower: Fire manipulation
Favorite fields of work: Tinkering, engineering, research, "modern" building, physic, chemistry and other technological and science fields.
How to unlock: The Cyber Discipline is easier to learn while constructing and assembling objects. You must make a physical OR digital 3D sculpt/plush of your evoloon at least once. It needs to be colored and recognizable as the character who is going to unlock this category.


This type of magic is related to protection, combat, nightmare, darkness and death. This is a discipline that was created by Evoloons when they needed to defend themselves against dangerous creatures. They would evolve themselves to protect their kind against predators and put fear in their enemies' heart.

Basic companion: Ghooist
Ancient: Monsterloon
Order NPC: Mullo (The Heartmender - Mullo mends hearts, as the protector of the weak and brokenhearted.)
Favorite superpowers: Necromancy, Shadow Manipulation
Favorite fields of work: Defence, war, hunting and tracking.
How to unlock: To fully understand Monster magic, the Evoloon must learn to intimidate their opponents. You must draw your evoloon angry at least once.


This type of magic is related to land and geology. It's one of the oldest environment and element discipline.

Basic companion: Meaish
Ancient: Terraloon
Order NPC: Gaia (The Zoologist)
Favorite superpower: Earth manipulation
Favorite fields of work: Agriculture, farming, mining, metal/stone working, stone building and travelling by land.
This discipline doesn't need to be unlocked.

Mixed Small by Evoloonbot


Mixed discipline qualify the usage of many magic disciplines without an specific affinity for any of them. Jack of all trades, master of none.

Favorite fields of work: Shop keepers, travelling merchants, crafting, music, art, poetry, literature, exploration.

Unlocking a Discipline

In order to get some upgrades or a basic companion, your Evoloon must first understand the nature of the related magic discipline.

There are many ways to unlock a discipline:
  • Your Evoloon can attune to the discipline. To do so, you must complete an art requirement (described above and on the Upgrade List).
  • Your Evoloon can complete the Trial of Categories.
  • Your Evoloon can use an Aurora Mushroom. This item can be obtained from events and activities or from a Travis for Hire Ticket.
  • Your Evoloon can use an Evobooster 5000 Randomizing Crank which has a small chance to unlock the cyber category. This item can be obtained from events and activities or from a P.E.B.K.A.C. for Hire Ticket.
  • This is still not totally understood, but it is said that groups of Evoloons can be unknowingly interconnected by magic and that some powerful Evoloons can affect those connected to them. Ancient Evoloons are so strongly attuned to a specific type magic that they facilitate the understanding of this discipline to the Evoloons connected to them. If you own an Ancient, their associated discipline is automatically unlocked for all your Evoloons.

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jmercedesd's avatar
Hey, organizing all the pieces in such a way that they go together. :D I like this!