Magic Count System

3 min read

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Evoloons's avatar
There has been just a couple of things changed due to suggestions from the members, so please read over this carefully.

What is Magic?

Magic is what causes evoloons to evolve. There are two types of magic, Love Magic and Gift Magic.
Love Magic is earned by drawing evoloons that you yourself own.
Gift Magic is earned by drawing evoloons owned by someone other than you.

How is Magic counted?

Artwork must be colored to earn magic.
Using Bases does not count towards earning magic.
Using photographs as backgrounds do not count towards earning magic OR upgrades.

Lineart and Color = 2 Magic
Shading = 1 Magic
Background = 3 Magic
(Backgrounds must have depth like a landscape or interior)
Background - Rule Changing - Some backgrounds might give you 10 instead of 3 Magic. Please click and read)

Animation = Add one Magic for each frame
If the background is also animated, each frame where the background is animated counts for 2 magic instead of 1
The Evoloon itself must be animated. They cannot just float or jump without having body parts moving.

3D Plushies = 15 Magic
Pillow Plushies = 5 Magic
3D Non-Plush Figures = 10 Magic
3D Digital Models = 5 Magic

Writing = 1 Magic
(every 100 words)

Collaborations: Split the points evenly among all artists involved
For the love magic, calculate the total of love magic earned by each evoloon, including the bonuses if any, then split the amount evenly between each evoloon. For the gift magic, use the same total as the love magic, but split it evenly between each artist.

Any artwork LESS than a fullbody: yields only half the amount of points
(if anything splits unevenly, round up)

Companion Magic

If you draw your evoloon and their companion(s) in the same image with a background, you earn magic from both the evoloon and its companions to go towards upgrades. Both the evoloon and the companion must be full-bodied. This only counts for official evoloon companions. A list of all evoloon companions can be found here: Basic Companions - Event Companions. Each companion grants as much magic as their Evoloon master.

The rainbow evoloon advantage doubles the companion magic only. Not the base magic of the evoloon.

For examples on how to count magic, please check this guide: How to Calculate Magic : The Master Guide

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King-Chryso's avatar
Uh Ok Picnic I Guess by PixelShinx

Ahh I get really confused when counting Love Magic and Gift Magic- Only the black and green loon is mine but I wasn't sure if my background would count or how to do magic with an NPC.

~Blushies~ by PixelShinx

Also don't know how head shots work for magic? These drawings are all super old but I never counted them for magic so i'm trying to figure it out now.

A Curious Evoloon by PixelShinx

Another one i'm super confused on how to count the magic with. The grey loon is mine while the brown loon is someone else's.

I really apologize for the confusion, I just get so confused with the magic system and how half bodies or head shots would work with the system as well.