Item Index

3 min read

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Evoloon Eggs

Ancient Egg
Blessed Egg
Chocolate Egg
Cursed Egg
Dormant Evoloon Egg
Elemental Egg
Gargoyle Egg 
Genoloon Egg
Melanoid Egg
Normal Egg
Paradise Egg
Rainbow Egg
Rainforest Egg
Safari Egg
Scaleloon Egg

Companion Eggs

Armored Falcon Egg
Budgebee Egg
Cassilla Egg
Cold Companion Egg
Crohst Egg
Dragochick Egg
Firebutt Turkey Snail Egg
Flamibun Egg
Frozeguin Egg
Fullmoon Arachnid Egg
Fuzzbuzz Egg
Great-Horned Lion Egg
Humlizard Egg
Mantakeet Egg
Ottermander Egg
Owlfish Egg
Pigeon-Bat (Pat) Egg
Ratlily Egg
Sea Monarch Egg
Snakecretary Egg
Squidchicken Egg
Star-Nosed Nebula Bat Egg
Stone Dog Egg
Swanepillar Egg
Tolotl Egg
Toulon Egg
Turkeysaurus Egg


Gaia For Hire Ticket
Garan For Hire Ticket
Mullo For Hire Ticket
Novaleen For Hire Ticket
P.E.B.K.A.C. For Hire Ticket
Travis For Hire Ticket


Companion Voucher
Evobooster 5000 Adventurer's Coin - Grants Quest points
Evobooster 5000 Control Key - Grants either Quest points, Gift magic or Love magic - owner's choice
Evobooster 5000 Gift Pass - Grants Gift magic
Evobooster 5000 Love Card - Grants Love magic
Evobooster 5000 Randomizing Crank - Grants a random boost of quest points, gift magic, love magic or automatically unlock the cyber category
Evoloon Voucher
Gaia's Flower - Allow a companion to hatch an egg
Hatch Blanket - Hatch a Cold Egg into a random companion
Incomplete Jewel - Combine with a stone or gem to boost it
Merlot's Rebate Coupon - 50% on one item from the shop
Mystery Egg - Gives a random egg or fake egg
Paint Potion - Allows to change the colors and markings of a companion
Power Potion v1
Power Potion v2
Power Potion v3
Robospidershark - Robot companion
Sand of Time - Allows to do an old prompt and get the rewards
Tome of Discipline - Unlocks 1 Magic Discipline / Upgrade Category or give 1 upgrade
Transmutation Oil - Transmutes Stones and Gems
Weather Beaten Chest - Grants a random amount of ribbons
Wishing Well Fragment - Grants an item for a list of chosen items (owner's choice)

Upgrade Stones and upgrade gems

Upgrade stones are for regular evoloons and upgrade gems are for heart-broken evoloons.

Heart-Healing Gem - Heal a heart
Upgrade Activation Gem - Allows an heartbroken Evoloon to apply an upgrade earned in an event or obtained from an upgrade stone
Upgrade Gem - Any type of upgrade for an heartbroken Evoloon
Upgrade Stone - Any type of upgrade for an wholehearted Evoloon

Achievement and progression items


Medals don't grant anything, but they are a way to show the achievements of your Evoloon characters.

Medal of Approval

© 2017 - 2025 Evoloons
anonymous's avatar
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Phantom01's avatar
Is there a reason that there isn't a Blessed Evoloon Egg Ticket on the ticket list?  :-? (Confused)  Sherlock Holmes