Help Desk

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Evoloons's avatar
There are many elements to the Evoloon species that makes it great. It can also be a little confusing at times, though! To make it easier for members to ask questions and find answers, we have built a help desk here in Loonia.

To use this feature,

1) Find the category below that best fits your question.

2) Click on the category. This will take you directly to its featured comment.

3) Reply to the featured comment with your question!

Pro Tip: After step 2, you might consider doing a quick search to see if anyone else asked that question before! An easy way to do this is to hit CTRL+F on your PC keyboard, or Command+F for you MAC users. A little pop up will show in the top right of your browser. Then, type in a very specific key word, like "dapples". If there is a question or answer with the word "dapples" in it, you can use the arrows on the pop up to jump right to it!

Did you know? A lot of commonly asked questions can be found on our FAQ page!



Evoloon Creation

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Not finding what you need? Head on over to our FAQ page to see if your answer is there!

© 2017 - 2025 Evoloons
anonymous's avatar
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AnnieNightshade's avatar

Hello! I made a few Evoloons back in 2018 under the Username @@GubSubmarine, I still have their refs with their upgrades, but have lost their trackers, Just wondering what steps I need to take to use them again?