
4 min read

Deviation Actions

Evoloons's avatar
Heartbonding Banner by JB-Pawstep


Heartbonding is a way for two Evoloons to progress together. An Evoloon can be heartbonded to only one other Evoloon.

Heartbonding does not equal a relationship. Heartbond Evoloons can be in a relationship with one another or they could just be really good friends or even frenemies.

Traded Evoloons cannot get healed with this trial. They can earn magic like any other Evoloon so they can be part of a heartbondship, but they can not upgrade because their heart is broken. In order to have their heart healed, traded Evoloons must do the Healing Hearts Trial.

Heartbonding Advantages

When 2 Evoloons become Heartbonding partners:
  • They share their collected love and gift magic.

    Evoloon 1 has 20 love magic.
    Evoloon 2 has 5 love magic.
    Evoloon 1 and 2 become heartbonded, so both now have 25 love magic each.

    All future magic these two earn will count for both of them.

  • They share their special race advantages (if any).
  • They can do quests and trials together. If you draw them both for the quest or the trial, both with get the rewards.

Heartbonding Trial

In order for two Evoloons to be heartbonded, they must do a trial. There are two different paths that can be taken to heartbond two Evoloons:
  • If you are heartbonding your Evoloon with a different user's Evoloon, you take path 1.
  • If you're heartbonding two of your own Evoloons, you take path 2.
General rules
  • The trials have multiple parts. Please title the deviations with the part number to avoid confusion and always tag your bonding partner.
  • Both Evoloons must fulfill the Visibility Rule in each picture.
  • Each picture must be colored and have a background with depth following the Background Rule.
  • All drawings done for a trial must show a different scene. Example: The Evoloons cannot be shown dancing on more than one drawing.

Path 1

One of your Evoloon and one of your friend's Evoloons want to become Heartbonding Partners
  • Step 1: Both artists have to draw the two Evoloons hanging out together. They can play, cuddle or just be lazy together; whatever you wish. This means two pictures must be drawn for that step, one from each artist.

  • Step 2: Do a collaboration in which your Evoloons show how close they are.

Path 2

Two of your Evoloons want to become Heartbonding Partners
  • Step 1: Draw a picture of your Evoloons' first meeting.
  • Step 2: Draw your two Evoloons making peace after a little fight.
  • Step 3: Draw your two Evoloons hanging out.

Breaking Up

If your Evoloon is heartbonded with another user's Evoloon, then any of you can decide to break this bonding at any time.

If two Evoloons decide to no longer be Heartbonding partners:
  • Their hearts will be broken and they won't be able to receive any more upgrades until their hearts are healed (by doing the Healing Hearts Trial).
  • All the shared magic which got claimed during the heartbond will not get lost.
  • The Evoloons cannot bond with another Evoloon for 2 months. 
All the magic the Evoloon earned from the former bonding cannot be given to a new Heartbonded Partner. Only self earned magic can be shared again. We suggest to list the magic of each loons separately even during their heartbondship.

Submit your heartbonding trial entries into the Heartbonding Trial folder.

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anonymous's avatar
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EiNsAiNe's avatar
For the heartbonding between my loon and a friends loon, could one protecting the other be considered eligible?