Healing Hearts (V1.6)

13 min read

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Healing Hearts Trial

Hh B 01 by Zwaa

There has been a rumor floating around. Quiet whispering in hushed tones only reaching the ears of those whose hearts have been closed off. It beckons them, pulls them to move on swift and silent paws to a place unknown. Many have already begun this arduous journey, moving across the land like a great storm. Now the time has come to make a choice;
Are you going to stay or go?


Salutations and Welcome!

The Healing Hearts Trial is a very special opportunity here in the Evoloons group.
This is an opportunity to heal the heart of a traded/gifted Evoloon or an Evoloon who broke up with their heart bonded partner.
What does that mean? It means that they can earn upgrades!


General Rules:

NewLook over the Visibility Rules before you start: Visibility Rules
There are several tasks to complete for your Evoloon to be able to heal their hearts and you must complete them all.

Each task has a different set of rules, so read thoroughly and double check so you don't end up having to re-do anything.

Each piece needs to identify which step it is in the title of the image. That way we know what's what.

You can only do this trial with an Evoloon you own.

You can do this trial for all your brokenhearted Evoloons at the same time.

If doing this trial with all your brokenhearted Evoloons: Some parts require separate entries for each Evoloon.

If your Evoloons heart is broken again after doing this trial, it will lose access to its magic and will need to do the trial again.

NewYour Evoloon cannot upgrade until all parts are completed and approved.

All magic earned from this trial can be used to upgrade your Evoloon.

All magic your Evoloon has earned can be accessed once this trial is complete.

New All upgrades your Evoloon has earned while broken-hearted can be accessed once this trial is complete.

If you have an Evoloon whose heart is not broken but you want to do the trial anyway, you may.

:new: Tasks do not need to be done in any particular order.

Trials do not have a time limit.
:new: Entries are to be put in this folder: www.deviantart.com/evoloons/ga…

General Trial Information:

This Trial is designed to be difficult.
It is supposed to challenge you as an artist, expand your abilities, make you critical think for unique and inventive solutions, show your dedication, and above all else to love your Evoloon(s).
New Version 1.5 is tailored to unlocking categories and racking up magic, so when your Evoloons heart is healed it can get upgrades right away!


The Trials

♥♥♥ Task One ♥♥♥


Draw your brokenhearted Evoloon with a minimum of three (3) other Evoloons traveling across the land to get to their destination. ( This makes a minimum total of four (4) Evoloons in the image. )

Must be full bodied, shaded, and with a background.

Cannot use real photos for background.

:new: Benefits:
Potential to create gift magic.

Healing Hearts: Traditional/ or Digital by Zwaa


♥♥♥ Task Two ♥♥♥

Story Time

Make a story about your Evoloon.

List which option you chose in the description.

Choose one option:

Option 1 - Silent Comic

No words at all.

Symbols that are ok: Instead of a building saying "library" show a book, Instead of a sign saying "potions shop" have a "cauldron", Instead of a warning saying "certain death ahead" show an Evoloon falling into a sarlacc pit, ect;

Symbols that are not ok; any kind of word bubbles, special characters ( Ex; @, !, $, #, ect; ), anger scribbles, ect;

Comic must have a minimum of 10 panels.

Each character must be full-bodied a minimum of 2 times.

Fully colored.

Background with depth.

Shading optional.

The Evoloon(s) whose heart(s) you are healing MUST be the main character(s).

The comic CANNOT be a summery or re-telling of the other parts of the trial. We already know those parts.

The comic can have any theme.



Option  2 - Written Word

Must be a minimum of 2000 words.
Your brokenhearted Evoloon(s) must be the main character(s).
You will not be judged on spelling or grammer, but it does need to be comprehendible.

New Benefits:
Potential to create a lot of magic.

Healing Hearts: Story Time by Zwaa



♥♥♥ Task Three ♥♥♥


Craft a tribute to your brokenhearted Evoloon(s).

List which option you chose in the description.

Choose one option:

Option 1 - Chair

Create a chair for your brokenhearted Evoloon(s) to sit on and place your brokenhearted Evoloon in it.

Chair must be made out of a minimum of three (3) different materials.

Chair must resemble and actual seat.

Entries depicting stacked objects will no longer be accepted
Pedestals will not be accepted unless they show effort.
( Example - Sofa; Paper used to create a sofa shape, ink to color it, a small bit of cloth as a pillow. )

Your brokenhearted Evoloon(s) can be a paper doll(s).

It is not a requirement to have other Evoloons in this image, but you may add other characters if you want.

You will need to make a new chair for each Evoloon going through the trail or re-doing the trial.



Option 2 - Plush

Create a three-dimentional plush doll of your brokenhearted Evoloon.

Stuffed animals, crochet, and needle felt are welcome.

Colors and features of your brokenhearted Evoloon must to be as close to accurate as possible.



Option 3 - Sculpt

Create a three-dimentional figurine of your brokenhearted Evoloon.

Can be Metal, Wood, Ice/Snow, Clay, Digital, or Plastic.

Digital Evoloons made in computer programs like Maya and Blender must be colored.

The other sculpture mediums do not have to be colored, but they do need to show color-blocking and special markings.
( example - lines carved into the wood to show it has spots. )

If you choose to color your sculpture it must be as close to accurate as possible.
Must show accurate color-blocking and special markings.
( example - lines carved into the wood to show it has spots. )
A step-by-step visual guide is not required but you are welcome to do it.

If your sculpture is just a generic Evoloon shape and not your specific Evoloon, it will not be accepted.



Option 4 - Food

Create food art depicting your brokenhearted Evoloon.

You can use any food you want: Cake, frosting, bento, platter art, high quality condiment painting, etc;

Evoloons do not need to be color accurate.

Must show accurate color-blocking and special markings.
( example -ketchup to represent base color, mustard to represent spots, mayonnaise to represent white areas, etc; )



Option 5 - Diorama

Make a scene depicting your brokenhearted Evoloon having fun with at least one other Evoloon.

Diorama must be made of a minimum of 3 different materials. The display box/stand/surface it is made in/on does not count as a material.

You may add more Evoloons and other creatures if you wan to, but the minimum must be met.

Evoloons can be paper dolls if you want them to be.

Evoloons must show accurate colors.


New Benefits:
Potential to unlock Cyber.


♥♥♥ Task Four ♥♥♥

The Royal Treatment

Mullo preforms the healing hearts ceremony. What does it look like?

Mullo must be present.

You may choose your medium.
If you choose Traditional/Digital - Must be full bodied, have a background, and shaded.

If you choose Crafting - Must have at least 5 different materials in the image that are serving a purpose. So no random materials just floating around to meet the quota.

If you choose a Comic - It must have a minimum of 10 panels. A minimum of 2 full-bodies for each character. Mullo can have a minimum of one full body. Fully colored. Backgrounds. Shading optional. This one can have words.

:new: If you choose Animation - It must be at least seven (7) seconds long. It must be fully colored with background. It cannot be an animatic. It can be limited animation. It does not need sound. It does not need shading. It can be any kind of these kinds of animation; 2-D, Computer, Flash, or Stop motion.

:new: Benefits:
Potential to unlock Celestial.



If your Evoloon does not have a reference sheet yet, make one.
In your Evoloons reference sheet put links to the four (4) parts of this trial.
Congratulations! Your Evoloon can now upgrade!



:new: Q: For V1.0: I've already finished this trial and completed the original crafting section? What does this mean for me?
A: If the crafting part of this trial has already been accepted, but not the entire trial, you may finish the trial as V1.0.
A: If all parts of the trial are complete, they will still be accepted.
B: Anyone who has had the "crafting" part of V1.0 accepted BEFORE this trial was edited 1/14/19, auto earns x2 the base magic the image originally gave. Both Love and Gift magic.
C: This also means from this date ( 1/14/19 ) on, only HH V1.5 will be accepted.
Q: What are the purposes of all these different parts?
A: Sometimes you don't know what you like or what you are good at until you try.
A: Each part helps you develop the skills you need to become a well rounded and experienced artist.
:new: A: To help you develop and think about your character(s).
:new: A: To help you earn magic and unlock categories for your Evoloon(s).

Q: Why would I choose anything other than Traditional/Digital for "The Royal Treatment"? The others are far more complex.
A: To offer you the choice to do something more complex if you so desire.
A: To prompt you to unlock categories that may not have been unlocked throughout the rest of the trial.

:new:Q: I used five (5) different things to make the Evoloon sculpture! Why was I told it didn't count?
A: Were all five (5) things visible? If you fill an aluminum can with rocks it is two (2) materials, but only one can be seen.
A: Because you used a Pepsi can, a Canada Dry can, a Sprite can, a Diet Coke can, and a Sunkist can. They are all aluminum cans only count as one (1) material used.

Q: I don't understand. I did everything correctly, so why was I told it didn't count?
A: How visible was everything? If it is too blurry it's hard to tell if everything is correct.
A: When you look at your piece can you see the shadows? Are they easy to see or hard? :new:Are all the characters shaded?

Q: Can they be a bit anthropomorphic?
A: Remember, true anthropomorphism is an upgrade. However small amounts of it are ok for obtaining an unnatural animal pose, like crossed arms. Anything that involves standing upright is pushing it though.

Q: Does glue count as a material for the "Crafting" portion of the trial?
A: Yes, however we need to be able to see it and reconize it as glue.
A: Yes, however glue only counts once. So if you use white glue and hot glue, it only counts as one (1) type of material used.

Q: Why can't I make my Evoloon sculpture out of just the pastry portion of a cake? It easily has 5 different ingredients.
A: Those ingredients have been used to form an indistinguishable singular thing, so no.
A: If the ingredients are easily seen and recognized then it counts. (This excludes spices inside the cake)

:new: Q: I really don't want to make another sculpture of my Evoloon though.
A: Then you are missing the point of the trial.

Q: I do not have the means to do a certain part of the trial and I know no one who I can help me out! What do I do!?
A: That is quite alright. There will be supplementary parts in case this is an issue.
However this is not to be abused. Please try all possible resources before resorting to this.
To be given a supplementary trial please send a note to the group.

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SarahWere's avatar

If you're doing the diorama part with 4 broken hearted loons do you have to make four

seperate dioramas or can all the loons be in one diorama?