Evoloon Features and Modifiers

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The core ability of Evoloons is their ability to become anything you can imagine, but there are some extra pieces you should know about. The following document overviews every key feature that affects an Evoloon, including Upgrades, Superpowers, Statuses, and Race Advantages.


Evoloons gain new physical attributes with upgrades. These upgrades can range from making your Evoloon fluffy to creating your own personal nightmare.

Magic Disciplines (Upgrade Categories)

  • Upgrades are divided by their individual categories, aka magic disciplines, which are Basic, Terrestrial, Avian, Aquatic, Celestial, Cyber and Monster.

  • Depending on the method used to get an upgrade, the discipline may or may not need to be unlocked before the desired upgrade can be earned.

  • The Basic and Terrestrial disciplines don't have to be unlocked.

  • There are many alternate ways to unlock a discipline:

  • Do the art requirement described on the Upgrade list.

  • Do the Trial of Categories.

  • Use an Tome of Discipline. This item can be obtained from events and activities or from a Travis for Hire Ticket.

  • The Evobooster 5000 Randomizing Crank also has a small chance to unlock the cyber category. This item can be obtained from events and activities or from a P.E.B.K.A.C. For Hire Ticket.

You can find more information about each category in Magic Disciplines.

Methods to Get Upgrades


  • Quests are drawing or writing tasks that allow you to get upgrades at your own pace. Quests can be turned into a comic to earn more quest points. The amount of comic panels or words for literature determine the amount of quest points you can earn.

  • Upgrades have different ranks, meaning they will need a different amount of quest points to be obtained according to the rank.

  • Quests points are consumed when used to get an upgrade.

  • In order to get an upgrade from quest points, you need to unlock the corresponding magic discipline first (if it needs to be unlocked).

  • You can find more information on the Quest Board and the Upgrade List.


  • Some upgrades automatically unlock over time, if you have unlocked the magic discipline first (if it needs to be unlocked).

  • When an upgrade can be obtained over time, it is mentioned as alternate way to unlock on the Upgrade List.

  • The time starts on the date your Evoloon's approval art is submitted to your gallery (also referred as birthday or hatch day).

Love Magic

  • Love magic is earned through drawing pictures of your Evoloon. Every colored picture you draw of your Evoloon counts towards earning Love Magic.

  • Love Magic is not consumed upon unlocking an upgrade.

  • In order to get an upgrade from love magic, you need to unlock the corresponding magic discipline first (if it needs to be unlocked).

  • When an upgrade can be obtained with love magic, it is mentioned as alternate way to unlock on the Upgrade List.

  • Companions grant extra love magic if drawn according to the rules.

  • You can find more information about love magic in the Magic Count System and Magic Count Examples.

Gift Magic

  • Gift magic is similar to Love Magic, except it is earned by drawing other people's Evoloons. All the info mentioned above for love magic applies to gift magic.

  • Gift magic can be kept in a general pool until it is used for upgrades. Once gift magic is used, it belongs to the Evoloon who got the upgrade and cannot be used for any other of your Evoloons.


  • Participation is earned when an Evoloon is entering specific events (and follows all the event rules).

  • In order to get an upgrade from participation, you need to unlock the corresponding magic discipline first (if it needs to be unlocked).

  • When an upgrade can be obtained with participation, it is mentioned as alternate way to unlock on the Upgrade List.

  • You can find the amount of participation each event grants in Events and Participation.


  • Evoloons might get upgrades from events, trials or other activities.

  • The upgrade category doesn't have to be unlocked to apply an upgrade obtained from an event.

  • You can find the list of our current events and activities on the Activity Board.

Upgrade Stones and Upgrade Gems

  • Upgrade stones can be applied on wholehearted Evoloons while upgrade gems can be applied to heart-broken Evoloons (see the "statuses" section).

  • The magic discipline doesn't have to be unlocked to apply an upgrade obtained from a stone or a gem.

  • Upgrade stones can be obtained from events and activities or from the Novaleen for Hire Ticket.

  • Upgrade gems can be obtained from events and activities or from the Mullo for Hire Ticket.

  • Upgrade gems are the only way an heart-broken Evoloon can apply upgrades without going through the Healing Hearts Trial or have their heart healed with a Heart-healing Diamond.

  • Check the Item Index for the list of all available stones and gems.

Mod Commissions:

  • Any upgrade can be purchased from a moderator. Each mod handles their commissions on their own so there is no set price.


Superpowers can be obtained from a potion. Power Potions can be bought at Merlot's Shop (via the The Town Square) or can be gained from events and activities. Superpowers can also be bought from a mod commission.

Plant/Coral Manipulation

  • Obtainable with a Power Potion v1

  • Allows your Evoloon to control plants, fungi and corals or have plants, fungi or corals grow on their body or head.

Fire Manipulation

  • Obtainable with a Power Potion v1

  • Allows your Evoloon to control or create fire, lava and electricity (including lightning bolts). The Evoloon is not harmed by the fire and can have fire burning from their body or head. The Evoloon can turn their wings or tails into fire/lava/electricity.

H2O (Water) Manipulation

  • Obtainable with a Power Potion v1

  • Allows your Evoloon to control or create water, snow, ice and clouds. The Evoloon can breath under water and can have water/snow/ice/clouds sprouting from their body or head. The Evoloon can turn their wings or tails into water/snow/ice/clouds.

Earth Manipulation

  • Obtainable with a Power Potion v1

  • Allows your Evoloon to control earth, rocks and other minerals. The Evoloon can have rocks and minerals (crystal, gems, etc) growing on their body/head, or turn their skin into rock.

Wind Manipulation

  • Obtainable with a Power Potion v1

  • Allows your Evoloon to control air and wind. The Evoloon can turn their wings or tails into small tornadoes.

Power of the Mind

  • Obtainable with a Power Potion v2

  • Levitation and telekinesis

  • Allows your Evoloon to levitate, float or fly without the need for wings, and move objects with their mind.


  • Obtainable with a Power Potion v2

  • Allows your Evoloon to control dead creatures and to communicate with spirits.

Shadow Manipulation

  • Obtainable with a Power Potion v3

  • Allows your Evoloon to control shadows. The Evoloon can turn into a shadow form, or have limbs turned into shadow.

Light Manipulation

  • Obtainable with a Power Potion v3

  • Allows your Evoloon to control light. The Evoloon can turn into a light form, or have limbs turned into light.


Generational Status

This status is related to the Evoloon generation/birth.

Gen 1

  • An Evoloon that is made without the use of breeding

Gen 2

  • An Evoloon that is made as the result of a breeding

  • No race advantage

Heart status


  • This Evoloon can earn magic and upgrades, and participate to all our activities. This is the original heart status of a newborn Evoloon.


  • This Evoloon has been traded or has been separated from their heartbonded partner.

  • This Evoloon can participate in events and generate magic.

  • This Evoloon can NOT apply any new upgrade earned after having their heart broken.

  • This Evoloon can mend their heart by doing the Healing Hearts Trial or by using a Heart-Healing Diamond. This item can be obtained from events and activities or from the Mullo for Hire Ticket.



  • This Evoloon has undergone the Heartbonding Trial with another Evoloon.

  • Heartbonded Evoloons share each other's magic pools and race advantages, and can do trials and quests together.

Race Advantages

Special Evoloon races gives bonuses and advantage if you own a gen 1. You can learn more about Evoloon races in Evoloon Races and Variations.

Normal Evoloon

  • No race advantage

Mutt Evoloon

  • An Evoloon that is a combination of 1 or more races of Evoloons

  • Will always be a Gen 2 Evoloon

  • No race advantage

Ancient Evoloon

  • Aquaticloon (Aquatic Ancient)

  • Automatically unlocks Aquatic Upgrades for all of your Evoloons.

  • Halves the amount of work needed for all aquatic upgrades not obtained with quests. Affects all of your Evoloons.

  • Doubles the quest points earned for unlocking an aquatic upgrade. Affects all of your Evoloons.

  • You get a 50% discount on aquatic upgrades for any of your Evoloons when commissioning a mod or buying their YCHs.

  • Avianloon (Avian Ancient)

  • Automatically unlocks Avian Upgrades for all of your Evoloons.

  • Halves the amount of work needed for all avian upgrades not obtained with quests. Affects all of your Evoloons.

  • Doubles the quest points earned for unlocking an avian upgrade. Affects all of your Evoloons.

  • You get a 50% discount on avian upgrades for any of your Evoloons when commissioning a mod or buying their YCHs.

  • Celestiloon (Celestial Ancient)

  • Automatically unlocks Celestial Upgrades for all of your Evoloons.

  • Halves the amount of work needed for all celestial upgrades not obtained with quests. Affects all of your Evoloons.

  • Doubles the quest points earned for unlocking a celestial upgrade. Affects all of your Evoloons.

  • You get a 50% discount on celestial upgrades for any of your Evoloons when commissioning a mod or buying their YCHs.

  • Cyberloon (Cyber Ancient)

  • Automatically unlocks Cyber Upgrades for all of your Evoloons.

  • Halves the amount of work needed for all cyber upgrades not obtained with quests. Affects all of your Evoloons.

  • Doubles the quest points earned for unlocking a cyber upgrade. Affects all of your Evoloons.

  • You get a 50% discount on cyber upgrades for any of your Evoloons when commissioning a mod or buying their YCHs.

  • Monsterloon (Monster Ancient)

  • Automatically unlocks Monster Upgrades for all of your Evoloons.

  • Halves the amount of work needed for all monster upgrades not obtained with quests. Affects all of your Evoloons.

  • Doubles the quest points earned for unlocking a monster upgrade. Affects all of your Evoloons.

  • You get a 50% discount on monster upgrades for any of your Evoloons when commissioning a mod or buying their YCHs.

  • Primoloon / Primal Evoloon (Basic Ancient)

  • Halves the amount of work needed for all basic upgrades not obtained with quests. Affects all of your Evoloons.

  • Doubles the quest points earned for unlocking a basic upgrade. Affects all of your Evoloons.

  • You get a 50% discount on basic upgrades for any of your Evoloons when commissioning a mod or buying their YCHs.

  • Terraloon (Terrestrial Ancient)

  • Halves the amount of work needed for all terrestrial upgrades not obtained with quests. Affects all of your Evoloons.

  • Doubles the quest points earned for unlocking a terrestrial upgrade. Affects all of your Evoloons.

  • You get a 50% discount on terrestrial upgrades for any of your Evoloons when commissioning a mod or buying their YCHs.

Blessed Evoloon

  • Every time a Blessed Evoloon earns participation, so do ALL of your other Evoloons

Chocolate Evoloon

  • Earns 1 love magic every time someone else draws your Chocolate Evoloon

  • Heartbonding is automatic for the Chocolate Evoloon, no trial necessary

Cursed Evoloon

  • See the Curses section bellow

Elemental Evoloon

  • All Elemental Evoloons earn +1 quest point (per quest) when doing quests for themselves

  • Each Elemental Evoloon comes with an automatic power. This bonus cannot appear on the approval sheet. Once your Elemental Evoloon has been approved, you can start applying modifications from the superpower.

  • Barkloon: Plant/Coral Manipulation

  • Gemloon: Earth Manipulation

  • Iceloon: H2O Manipulation

  • Lavaloon: Fire Manipulation

  • Windloon: Wind Manipulation

Gargoyle Evoloon

  • Gargoyle Evoloons are born with the Manipulate Earth superpower. This bonus is not shared with other evoloons.

  • As a thank you for protecting Loonia, Gargoyle Evoloons grant a 1 ribbon rebate for every 10 ribbons of purchase at Merlot's Shop. The bonus is not stackable if you have more than one gargoyle evoloon, meaning if you have multiple gargoyle loons, you don't get more discount.

    Example of rebate:

  • If you buy items for a total that is less than 10 ribbons, you don't get any rebate

  • If you buy items for a total of 10 to 19 ribbons, you get a discount of 1 ribbon

  • If you buy items for a total of 20 to 29 ribbons, you get a discount of 2 ribbons

  • Etc.


  • Unlocks ONE (and always the same) upgrade for ALL of your upgradeable Evoloons. The Genoloon is born with this upgrade. It can be any upgrade from the upgrade list. For the Evoloons receiving the upgrade from the advantage (not the Genoloon), the upgrade can be applied AFTER birth, not on the approval sheet.

Melanoid Evoloon

  • Melanoid Evoloons are a color variation of any of the Evoloon race. They have no extra advantage.

Paradise Evoloon

  • Has the ability to hatch a cold egg once a month without a hatch blanket

Rainbow Evoloon

  • Doubles the effect of companion magic

  • Companion trading is automatic, no art necessary

Rainforest Frogloon

  • Is born with the "Webbed toes", "Air Sacks", and "Glands" upgrades

  • Has automatic H20 manipulation superpower

  • Gen 1 Frogloons are natural born alchemists, they can transmute any type or level of upgrade stone or upgrade gem into any upgrade of their choice. The transmutation automatically applies the upgrade to them, whether they are heart-broken or not, regardless of the type of the original item (stone or gem). The transmutation doesn't generate a new stone or gem and the upgrade cannot be applied to another Evoloon.

Safari Evoloon

  • Automatically has all upgrade categories unlocked


  • Magic Transfer: Scaleloons can both give and receive Love Magic from other evoloons. There is no cooldown for how often magic can be transferred, however half of the magic is lost in the transfer. If the giver loses 10 magic the receiver only gains 5.

Cursed Evoloons don't have bonuses and advantages, they have curses. They are all born with 1 mandatory curse and other curses the player can add.

  • Curse of Isolation: Cursed Evoloons do not benefit from any of your other Evoloon's bonuses and advantages (such as the Blessed Evoloon's bonuses, the Ancients' bonuses, the Genoloons' upgrades, ect.). This curse is mandatory for every Cursed Evoloon.

  • Curse of Bad Karma: The Evoloon can only earn half the amount of free upgrades in events. If the amount of upgrades is uneven you round down, and if the event only gives one free upgrade, they receive none. Novaleen still finds it hard to bless the Evoloon with new upgrades, and it's more difficult for the Evoloon to master new upgrades while going on a big adventure.

  • Curse of Bad Luck: The Evoloon is not able to use Upgrade Stones/Gems. Those are not strong enough to get through the curse.

  • Curse of Failure: Category unlocks must be done twice. If you are using the Trial of Categories for unlocking, the trial must be twice as long. Magic disciplines are harder to learn for the cursed Evoloon.

  • Curse of Hardship: The Evoloon only earns half as much Love Magic as normal.

  • Curse of Loneliness: The Evoloon gets no benefit from heart-bonding (affect only the Cursed Evoloon; their partner, if not cursed, will still benefit for it as usual).

  • Curse of Magic-less Friendship: The Evoloon can have pets, but they get no benefit from their companions.

  • Curse of Normality: The Evoloon needs to use two Power Potions to earn a superpower from them. The Evoloon needs more potion to go through the curse.

  • Curse of Poverty: The Evoloon cannot earn upgrades from Mod YCHs. The upgrade wizards are unable to apply upgrades on the Evoloon.

  • Curse of Sadness: The Evoloon is so sad to be cursed, they start off heartbroken.

  • Curse of Struggling: The Evoloon cannot earn/use Quest Points, because they can't learn upgrades from just interacting with their environment. Exception: If an upgrade can be earned with quests only (formerly requiring an action), the Evoloon can get it with quests, but has to do twice the work to get the upgrade. Example: The Evoloon will need 2 quest points to get a rank 1 upgrade that can be earned by doing quests only.

  • Curse of Restriction: The Evoloon is strongly attuned to one discipline/category, so it's harder to unlock and get upgrades from other categories. The second category costs 2 times the work to unlock and get upgrades, the third category costs 3 times the work and so on. This doesn't include the Basic Discipline since this one is natural to Evoloon, meaning your Evoloon can earn basic upgrades without being affected by this curse. You have to choose the "order" of the category your Evoloon will use/learn. If you are using the Trial of Categories for unlocking, the trial's length is also multiplied depending on the order of choosing your categories.

  • Curse of Slow Learning: It takes twice as much work for the Evoloon to gain/learn upgrades (magic, participation, quests, etc.)

  • Curse of Weakness: The amount of work needed to get an upgrade is multiplied by the rank of the upgrade (rank 1 = normal effort, rank 2 = 2 times the work, rank 3 = 3 times the work, etc.) as higher ranked upgrades that are harder to master.

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XKSilver's avatar
Just a curious question since it's not clarified here; Are mutts any type of evoloon obtained through breeding rather than receiving an egg from Garan..?

Asking since like, take Rascal and I's rainbow heartbonded pair. If they were to breed, their child would be a full blooded rainbow loon since they're both rainbow. But would it then be considered a "mutt" since it's a bred loon, or could it be a normal rainbow loon and still get the status perks..?

Just confused at the wording here since mutts are stated to be a "bred loon" but the word "mutt" here doesn't take into account if the parents are the same subtype.