Evoloon Creation and Approval

7 min read

Deviation Actions

Evoloons's avatar

Evoloon Creation

Everybody can create normal Evoloons. In order to get a special race of Evoloon, you need to get an egg from an event or from the shop. Each race has its own set of creation rules.

Evoloons cannot be co-owned. Only one owner is allowed.

Basic Rules and Resources

Those rules apply to normal Evoloons and serve as a base for the special races creation rules.

Evoloon Starter Guide: Anatomy
Evoloon Starter Guide: Coloring
Evoloon Starter Guide: General Tips
Evoloon Color Palettes
Evoloon Bases (Lineart)
Evoloon Creation Rules (text version of the starter guides)

Special Races Rules

Ancient Evoloon
Blessed Evoloon
Chocolate Evoloons
Cursed Evoloon
Elemental Evoloon
Gargoyle Evoloon
Melanoid Evoloon
Paradise Evoloon
Rainbow Evoloon
Rainforest Evoloon (Frogloon)
Safari Evoloon

Breeding Rules

Breeding Guide
Breeding License
Approved Breeding Licenses

About the Approval Sheet

The approval sheet is the deviation where you will put your Evoloon original designs to be approved. Members can only submit their own Evoloons to the group, from their own DeviantArt account; they cannot help someone else by submitting in their place and they cannot host someone else's Evoloons on their account (unless it's an Evoloon that has been traded).
  • Please put all Evoloons of the same race on a single sheet if you are planning on having them approved as the same time (maximum 4 Evoloons per sheet);
  • Don't mix different Evoloon races on the same sheet. Those must be submitted in different folders;
  • Same for bred Evoloons. Unless they are normal Evoloons, they should be on their own sheet;
  • Do not submit reference sheets for approval. Approval sheets must only contains Evoloons (no background, companions or accessories);
  • Do not put accessories on your Evoloon on the approval sheet;
  • Do not put a huge watermark that hides the details or colors of your Evoloons on the approval sheet;
  • You must create your own approval sheet. You cannot have someone else create your Evoloon for you. Collaborations are not allowed.
  • You must use your own line art or the official Evoloon Bases (do not use someone else's line art and do not trace someone else's art);
  • If you use the official Evoloon Bases, you need to credit Evoloons for the base in the description of your approval sheet;
  • In Evoloon Bases cannot be altered, except for the fawn spots or alterations required by a special race. Please see the Evoloon Bases journal and the race's guide;
  • For traditional drawings, do not submit a sideways picture. Please use a software to rotate your picture.
If your Evoloon is a special race of Evoloon and comes from an egg, don't forget to withdraw the egg from the treasury and link the treasurer's answer to you in the description of your approval sheet (you can withdraw the egg at The Town Square). This must be done before you submit your Evoloon to the group.

:new: If your Evoloon is a Cursed Evoloon auto-hatched from the Trial of the Accursed, you need to link the hatching approval comment in the description of your approval sheet. This must be done before you submit your Evoloon to the group.

IMPORTANT: Once an Evoloon is approved, the approval sheet cannot be changed. Also make sure to keep the approval sheet in your account and in the group, because it serves as proof of approval and shows the hatch day of your Evoloon.

Submitting Your Evoloon for Approval

Before you can use your Evoloon, they need to be approved by the staff members. In order to make the approval process faster and easier, please follow the rules and guidelines.
  • You can submit 4 Evoloons a week in the group;
  • Make sure to have followed all the creation rules before submitting your approval sheet to the group;
  • Avoid stretching the limits of the creation rules; it only slows the approval process. Remember that upgrades are there to achieve the desired look;
  • Make sure you've put in the description of your Evoloons' approval sheet all the required information (treasury approval, breeding information, etc).
Once your Evoloon is ready, submit it in the appropriate approval folder:

The Approval Process

Once you've submitted your Evoloon for approval, the staff must review it. It's a team process, so it might take time.
  • If something must be changed, a mod will notify you. You must apply the changes rapidly, otherwise your submission will expire. Just update the current deviation and answer to the admin saying that the changes have been made:

    • Do not withdraw your current submission to the group if you are planning on fixing it rapidly;
    • Do not submit a new deviation with the changes (update the current deviation);
    • Do not submit your deviation to the group again, unless it has previously been declined;
    • Check your notifications to answer admins' questions or make the necessary changes;
    • Only make the changes asked by the admins: do not make additional changes!
    • Don't argue with admins!
    • Note that a submission needs 2 votes to be accepted. It can take some time to get these 2 votes.

  • If your approval art has been accepted in the group, then it means that your Evoloon was approved. Depending on your browsing mode, you might be able to see if your artwork was accepted in the group by checking your deviation page:

    • On the desktop website (classic and Eclipse), you'll find the info on the right sidebar, under "Featured in groups";
    • On the classic mobile site, it's in the description section (i), under the tags;
    • In the app and on the Eclipse mobile site, this info cannot be found.
Submissions will be declined/removed for any of these reasons:
  • Heavily traced or referenced lineart or design;
  • Submitted in the wrong folder;
  • You've not answered our reply nor fixed your entry within the allotted period;
  • You are not allowed to create this type of Evoloon;
  • You've submitted the same deviation more than once.
Asking for Another Mod's Opinion:
    If you don't agree with the mod who reviewed your Evoloon about a rule (if you understand the rule differently, not if you don't agree with the rule), you can politely ask for another opinion. Someone will review your case and give you the final decision, and more explanations about the rule if necessary.

    © 2020 - 2025 Evoloons
    anonymous's avatar
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    DuskRipper's avatar

    The link to the rainbow loon folder actually leeds to the bred loon folder.