Evoloon Creation Rules

13 min read

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Default Banner by Evoloonbot


The purpose of this journal is to describe the visual creation guides for the normal Evoloon. It was made for people who prefer text over images or are not quite sure to understand a rule. If you prefer, you can use the visual guides alone and have all the information you need.

Note that the visual guides have more examples then the current one. If you find something in here that seems contradictory to the visual guides, please let us know so we can make the proper adjustments. 

Visual guides and resources:

Evoloon Starter Guide: Anatomy
Evoloon Starter Guide: Coloring
Evoloon Starter Guide: General Tips
Evoloon Color Palettes
Evoloon Bases (Lineart)

Approval sheet and approval process:

The process of creating and having your Evoloon approved can be found in Evoloon Creation and Approval. Everything related to the approval sheet can be found there.

Rule of thumb:

If a feature is not found in the guides, it's most likely because it is not allowed on a newborn Evoloon. We will not list all of the things that are not allowed. Please follow the guides for a better approval experience. We have plenty of activities to help you gain upgrades to modify your Evoloon later.
General Anatomy
Mod-AverageEvoloon by Evoloonbot

:star: Full visual guide -> Evoloon Starter Guide: Anatomy :star:

On creation, the mandatory Evoloon anatomy must be followed, meaning you cannot add, modify or remove features, or put accessories or upgrades on your Evoloon. Once your Evoloon is approved, on future artworks, you will be able to add accessories and modify your Evoloon by gaining upgrades.
  • Evoloons are born a bit chubby, with round features and medium length legs.
  • Evoloons are born hairless, or with a fine peach fuzz. No hair, no fur, no fluff, no tufts anywhere. Only eyelashes are allowed.
  • You can use your own lineart or an official base for your Evoloon approval sheet (more info in in Evoloon Creation and Approval).
  • We accept some variants for the Evoloon height, length and weight:
Mod-BodyVariantsForGuide by Evoloonbot

Evoloons are unique creatures, not based on real animals. They have some key anatomy features that must be kept, like the shape of the ears, the overall shape of the head and the body build. We might refuse an Evoloon that doesn't look enough like an Evoloon. If you need an animal reference to draw your Evoloon, use a similar animal like a lioness, a medium sized dog or a common cat. You can find some examples in Evoloon Starter Guide: General Tips. 
Art Tips

:star: Full art guide -> Evoloon Starter Guide: General Tips :star:

To make the approval process easier, we are asking for your artwork to be mostly clean. We do not accept sketches. The Evoloon must be fully colored (no rushed or messy coloring) and the lineart must be well defined. These are examples of acceptable sketchy lines and coloring:

Mod-LineartCleanness by Evoloonbot Mod-LineartFilling by Evoloonbot

Make your Evoloon big enough for us to see all the details. If some details are too small and hard to see, make a bigger side drawing of the details (examples: eyes, markings). Also make sure we can see all important parts of your Evoloon like the thumbs and the fawn spots. Avoid complicated poses that would make some important parts of the anatomy impossible to see.

Use a lineart that has good contrast against the colors of your Evoloon. Remember that not all the screens are calibrated the same, and we need to distinguish your Evoloon's features.

For traditional art, make sure the picture quality is good and the image big enough, so we can see and recognized the colors and the details. Avoid ruled paper and preferably use white paper (not brown). Do not submit a sideways picture; please use a software to rotate your picture.


Mod-ColourSizes by Evoloonbot
Mod-ColourSizeExceptions by Evoloonbot

:star: Full coloring guide -> Evoloon Starter Guide: Coloring :star:

A normal Evoloon can only have 3 base COMMON natural mammal colors of the same hue or similar hues on their bodyThis means no colors from reptiles or birds, and no bright colors from very specific brightly colored mammals such as a mandrill monkeys. If you are picking your colors from pictures, make sure not to use a saturated image. You can also pick your colors from our premade palettes. Some special races have color restrictions or even a mandatory palette. You can find each race's creation info on its specific guide (Evoloon Races and Variations).
  • Do not put makeup or rosy cheeks on your Evoloon; only the true colors are allowed on the approval sheet. 
  • Do not use shading/lighting on the approval sheet either. Do not use gradient colors on large areas. We accept a small transition in color made by brushes, as long as it doesn't create additional colors. Example of accepted gradient effect from brushes: Accepted Brush Color Transition (Gradient).
  • Base colors must be applied in large areas. Small patches/spots/markings/lines are not allowed as base colors (acceptable minimum sizes are shown above). These are obtainable with upgrades later is desired. 

    Here are some specific size rules:

    • Colors on ears, if not connected to a larger area of the same color, must cover at least 1/3 of the ear.
    • Colors on the paws must at least cover all of the toes.
Mod-WhiteAreaList by Evoloonbot

A newborn Evoloon always has special
white attributes: inside of the ears, eyebrows, line under the eyes (also called eye bags), iris, nose, thumbs, and fawn spots. We accept off-whites that are very close to white. Our premade palettes have examples of what we accept as off-white.

Tips for hues

Evoloon colors must be roughly the same hue as one another. This is to keep their naturally colored look easier to understand for newer artists and stay true to what make the species special. All colours can be changed later with upgrades.

For the first example here, the swatch goes from orange brown to a slightly more red brown. They still look brown and are very similar. This would be OK!

Accepted hue tolerance example by Evoloonbot

For the second example, the swatch goes from yellow brown to orange brown and finally to red brown. Those colors are too much apart and would not be accepted.
Rejected hue difference example by Evoloonbot
If you are having trouble picking colors, we also offer free to use color palettes, with loads of colors to choose from. Just remember, a new Evoloon can only have 3 colors to start with, and those must be chosen from the same palette.

Evoloon Color Palettes by Evoloonbot

Special Markings

Markings are an optional addition to your Evoloon. They can be removed at will after your Evoloon has been approved, if you decide you don't like them anymore. However, if you do not apply all or any special markings on your Evoloon during their creation process, your Evoloon will not have access to them after approval; they will be forfeited by default, and you will need an upgrade to add them.
  • The Evoloon can only have a maximum of 5 special markings.
  • Markings must be all the same shape, and must be fully connected. For example: If you had a sun with shine around it, the shine would need to still be connected to the rest of the sun or it would count as different markings.
  • They can be of different sizes, but must retain their identical shape.
  • They can be mirrored and rotated so long as they are the same shape.
  • Markings can be any solid color, but must be the same color.
  • They cannot touch each other.
  • They cannot completely cover all the fawnspots, and can not cover any other mandatory white areas.
  • They must always be on top of other colors. For example, a marking cannot be underneath a fawn spot.
  • They must use less than 1/3 of the body (not including the head).
  • You can use brushes for your special markings as long as they are brushes you made yourself.
  • You cannot use copyrighted symbols/logos for your special markings.


Mod-Ears by Evoloonbot
  • Ears must be round like a lion's cub or a bear.
  • The inside of the ear must be visible at least for one ear and colored white.
  • If the Evoloon's outer ear color matches the color inside the ear, you are still required to draw the outline for the inner ear.
  • Since Evoloons are born totally hairless, ears cannot have fluff inside.
  • Colors on ears, if not connected to the head, must use at least 1/3 of the ear.

Eyes and eyebrows

Mod-PartsOfTheEye by Evoloonbot
Mod-EyesEyebrows by Evoloonbot
Mod-EyelineEyebag by Evoloonbot
Mod-EyeColour by Evoloonbot

  • The pupil must be split horizontally in 2 different colors (the difference must be easy to see).
  • The pupil cannot have any intricate shapes inside.
  • The iris must be white.
  • The iris wraps completely around the pupil.
  • The sclera must be visible and cannot be white (colors looking too much like white are not allowed).
  • Tear duct can have any color.
  • There is always a white line or white eye bag under the eye (can also be called eye line).
  • The white line under the eye must be restricted to this area, and must touch the bottom of the eye.
  • The white line under the eye cannot be creatively shaped (unless white is one of your main body colors). No swirl, or other type of fancy shape.
  • Eyebrows must be round, oval or tear-shaped.
  • Eyebrows must be white.
  • Eyebrows must be visible, and always lined to show they are eyebrows and not spots.
  • You can add eyelashes and they can be any color (although, mods might ask you if they are indeed eyelashes).

Muzzle, nose and mouth

Mod-Muzzle by Evoloonbot
Mod-NoseWhite by Evoloonbot
Mod-Nostrils by Evoloonbot
  • Muzzle / nose is fairly short.
  • Evoloons have 6 nostrils (3 on each side).
  • Nostrils must be visible, even if your evoloon is pure black.
  • Nostrils must be horizontal, not vertical.
  • Nose must be white.
  • The white on the nose can extend to the chin and the bridge of the nose.
  • Unless white is one of your base color, the white on the nose cannot extend toward the rest of the head and cannot connect to the white under the eye.
  • Nostrils can be of any color.
  • Tongue can have any shape and any colors.
  • The inside of the mouth can have any color.
  • Evoloons are born without teeth. Teeth are added later with an upgrade.

Fawn spots

Mod-Fawnspots by Evoloonbot
Mod-FawnspotVariants by Evoloonbot
  • Fawn spots must be white.
  • Fawn spots can only go on the back and the butt (the rump).
  • Fawn spots must be rounded or oval (no lines, no jagged shapes, etc.).
  • Each side of the Evoloon must have at least 3 spots (this means 6 spots total).


Mod-ThumbsToes by Evoloonbot
  • Evoloons have white thumbs on the inside of each leg (all 4 legs).
  • Evoloons can have 3 or 4 toes (besides the thumbs), and they must be visible/lined.
  • Thumbs must be visible even if the color of the paws is white, and they must always be lined to show that they are thumbs and not spots.
  • Newborn Evoloons don't have paw pads; paw pads can be added later with an upgrade.
  • Colors on toes must color all the toes on one foot otherwise it will be considered too small of an area. This means you can't have one single toe colored on a paw. All the toes on that paw must be colored.

Special Evoloon races, sub-types and variations

© 2018 - 2025 Evoloons
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AequoreaVic's avatar

So, for the markings that are darker (I think they are the secondary colors) do they have to be this way, or can we change the shape?