Evoloon Bases (Lineart)

3 min read

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These are the official bases you can use on the approval sheet or on your reference sheet. They cannot be use on any of your other artworks.

If you use one of these bases, you need to credit Evoloons for the base in the description of your artwork.

Lines and white parts (when provided) cannot be modified or removed, except for the fawn spots that can be changed, but still have to be present and pure white. You are allowed to modify the base only when it's required for a special race (see the special race's guide to know what can be modified on the bases).

More bases, by different mods, will be added over time.

Normal Bases

Used for Normal, Blessed, Chocolate, Elemental, Paradise, Rainbow, Rainforest (Frogloon) and Safari Evoloons, and their variations (Melanoid).

Regular Evoloon Base by Evoloonbot Normal Evoloon Bases by Evoloonbot

Ancient Bases

Used for Ancient Evoloons, and their variations (Melanoid).

Ancient Evoloon Bases by Evoloonbot Ancients Bases by Evoloonbot Primal Evoloon Ancient Base by Evoloonbot

Gargoyle Base

Used for Gargoyle Evoloons.

Gargoyle Evoloon Base by Evoloonbot

Genoloon Bases

Used for Genoloon, and their variations (Melanoid).

Genoloon Base by Evoloonbot Genoloon Base Version 2 by Evoloonbot

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W4nderingK1tty's avatar

Can I trace the lines? Please? For the normal Evoloon? It won't let me use the transparent version.