A list of all our events and the rewards and participation your loons could earn in them.
- Reward: 1 squidchiken
- Participation: The evoloon who got the squidchicken earned 1 participation
- Reward: Fins upgrade for 1 evoloon
- Raffled prize: Mer/seal-type upgrade (event-specific upgrade)
- Participation: The evoloon who joined the treasure team earned 1 participation even if the owner didn't do the artwork
Firefly festival EVENT
- Rewards: Glowing secret markings to any evoloon partaking in the event, one FirebuttTurkeySnail companion (for one Evoloon), one upgrade from a chosen list (see the journal) and one participation medallion.
- Participation: Any evoloon that earned an upgrade, pet, or pendent also earned 1 participation
Valentines Jubilee EVENT
- Any evoloon that earned an upgrade, egg, or pendent also earned 1 participation
Rainbow EVENT
- Only the rainbow evoloon gets 1 participation
Forest Games EVENT
- The evoloon that earned the horns/antlers gets 1 participation
- The evoloon drawn finding the egg (only one if more than one were drawn) and the hatched safari evoloon gets 1 participation
Lost treasure EVENT - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Captain bonuses
- The evoloon that joined the team, the ancient, and any evoloon drawn recieving an upgrade gets 1 participation
Mystery Bottle EVENT
- The evoloon that drinks the bottle gets participation
Halloon's Eve EVENT
- The evoloon that fed the monster and/or earned the crohst gets 1 participation
Tolerance Party EVENT
- Any evoloon drawn with an animal friend earns 1 participation
The Thankful Bird EVENT
- Any evoloon that earns the upgrade or the pet gets 1 participation
Winter Disaster EVENT
- The (up to) 6 evoloons that earned the fur (or drawn in clothes if traded) gets 1 participation
Chocolate Egg EVENT
- Any evoloon that the artist owns drawn at the picnic gets 1 participation and the hatched chocolate evoloon gets 1 participation.
Melanoid Event
- No participation
Melanoid After Event
- Each of your evoloons you enter with gets 1 participation. If you enter two parts with the same evoloon it still will get only one participation.
Colorfull Egg Event
- The Evoloon which colored the egg receives 1 Participation. If the Rainbow Evoloon was designed during the deadline of this event it received 1 Participation.
2017 Summer Event : Journey to New Land and 2017 Summer Events: Optional parts - Post-Event Rewards
-Each Evoloon of the team will earn 1 Participation.
-Each Evoloon in the drawing for Optional part 2, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 8 and Part 9 earn 1 Participation
Halloon's Eve 2017- Trick or Treat!
- Each Evoloon of your entry that fulfills the visibility rule earns 1 participation.
Surprise Egg Event!!
2018 Hatch Event
- Each Evoloon of your entries that fulfills the visibility rule earns 1 Participation.
Evoloon Event: Glow Festival
- Each Evoloon of your entries that fulfills the visibility rule earns 1 Participation.
Bot's Big Birthday Box Bash
- Each Evoloon of your entries that fulfills the visibility rule earns 1 Participation.
Melanoid Event - 2018
- Each Evoloon drawn in part 2 receives 1 participation (must fulfills the visibility rule)!
Melanoid After Event 2018
- Each Evoloon drawn in part 1 receives 1 participation (must fulfills the visibility rule)!
Event - Spring Fever
- Each Evoloon drawn in part 1 receives 1 participation (must fulfills the visibility rule)!
Summer Event 2018 - Loonatic Park - Part 1 and 2
- Each Evoloon which was part of your summer team, earns 1 participation (only 1 even if there were 2 parts)
Paradise Event - OPEN
- The Evoloon which wakes up next to the egg earns 1 participation.
- The Evoloon who finds the Budgebee earns 1 participation.
Autumn's Blessing Evoloon September '18 Mini-Event
- Every full-bodied evoloons included in the comic that qualified for an upgrade earn 1 participation.
Halloon's Eve 2018 Event
- Each Evoloon entered in the event earns 2 participations.
Halloween Draw for Free Upgrade Commission Raffle
- The Evoloon drawn for this event earns 1 participation.
Evoloons - Offering to Winter
- Each Evoloon you own and have drawn according to the visibility rule earns 1 participation.
Event: Evolove is in the air!
- Each Evoloon of yours that has entered either part one or two will earn 1 participation.
Melanoid Event 2019
- Each Evoloon you own and have drawn according to the visibility rule in part 1 earns 1 participation per drawing (meaning if your evoloon is full bodied in 2 different drawings, they get 2 participations).
[SE] Rainforest Discovery - Part 1
- Each Evoloon entered in the event earns 1 participations, or 2 participations if the completed tracker (for part 1) was submitted between June 1st and 7th 2019.
[SE] Rainforest Discovery - Part 2
- Each Evoloon entered in the event earns 1 participations, or 2 participations if the completed tracker (for part 2) was submitted between July 15th and 21st 2019.
[SE] Rainforest Discovery - Part 3
- Each Evoloon entered in the event earns 1 participations, or 2 participations if the completed tracker (for part 3) was submitted between August 8th and 14th 2019.
Halloon's Eve 2019
- Each Evoloon of yours who've entered the "Costumes!" part earns 1 participation.
- Each Evoloon of yours who've entered the "Trick or Treat!" part earns 1 participation.
- Each Evoloon of yours who've entered the "Mimics Returns" part earns 1 participation.
Winter Event - The Great Winter Gathering
- Each Evoloon of yours who've entered the Winter Event - Entering the Clearing earns 1 participation (only 1 per loon)
- Each Evoloon of yours who've entered the Winter Event - Frozen in Time earns 1 participation
- Each Evoloon of yours who've entered the Winter Event - Ice Fishing earns 1 participation (only 1 per loon)
- Each Evoloon of yours who've entered the Winter Event - Made with Snow and Ice earns 1 participation (only 1 per loon)
- Each Evoloon of yours who've entered the Winter Event - Snow Day Giveaway earns 1 participation (only 1 per loon)
- Each Evoloon of yours who've entered the Winter Event - Special Upgrades Chance earns 1 participation per task (only 1 per loon per task)
[Event] Ruby Hearts Creation
- The Ruby Chocolate Evoloon gets 1 participation if they enter at least one event prompt (only 1 participation for the whole event)
Melanoid Event 2020
- Each evoloon who enters at least one event prompt gets 1 participation (only 1 participation per loon for the whole event)
Summer Event 2020 - Finding History
Summer Event 2020 - The Cyber Scrap Yard
Summer Event 2020 - The Fractured Spire
Summer Event 2020 - The Ruins
Summer Event 2020: The City of Nye
Summer Event 2020 Egg Reveal
- Rewards upon completing the first path: 1 gargoyle egg per artist and 1 special companion egg per evoloon (a choice between the pigeon-bat companion and the stone dog companion)
- Rewards for each completed path: 4 Magic Mementos per artist, 4 upgrades of your choice per evoloon you own on the team (can be given to any of your evoloons), 20 ribbons per artist (Team leaders including solo artists: 10 more ribbons).
- Participation: Each Evoloon in the team gets 1 participation per path done.
- Participation: Each Evoloon in the team gets 1 participation per path done.
Halloon's Eve 2020
- Prompt 1 rewards: Each visible evoloon gets 1 upgrade from the chosen list (see journal)
- Prompt 2 rewards: 1 item of your choice per visible evoloon from a list (see journal)
- Prompt 3 rewards: 1 item of your choice per visible evoloon from a list (see journal)
- Prompt 4 reward: 1 mimic companion (per artist)
- Participation: 1 participation per visible evoloon per prompt
Winter Event - Magic Influence (Main Journal)
Winter Event - A Safari Investigation
- Reward: 1 safari egg
- Participation: 1 participation for each Evoloon
Winter Event - Garan's Experiments
- Reward: 1 Safari Egg or 1 Garan for Hire Ticket (the choice of the artist)
- Participation: 1 participation for each Evoloon
Winter Event - A Touch of Magic (Upgrade Chances)
- Reward: 1 upgrade of your choice in the category related to the prompt per evoloon per prompt
- Participation: 1 participation for each Evoloon per prompt
Winter Event - Character Building
- Egg prompt reward: 1 ribbon for each visible egg
- Expressions prompt reward: 1 ribbon per headshot
- Accessorize prompt reward: 3 ribbons per visible Evoloon
- Favorite Food and/or Drink prompt reward: 3 ribbons per visible Evoloon
- Dynamic Pose prompt reward: 3 ribbons per visible Evoloon
- Home prompt reward: 5 ribbons per visible Evoloon
- Occupation prompt reward: 5 ribbons per visible Evoloon
- Favorite Place prompt reward: 5 ribbons per visible Evoloon
- Adventure prompt reward: Artwork: 5 ribbons per visible Evoloon - Comic: 5 ribbons per visible Evoloon per panel - Story: 5 ribbons per 350 words
- Participation: Each Evoloon gets 1 participation per prompt (even for the Egg prompt)
Winter Event - The Wandering Market
- No reward or participation
Winter Event - Weekly Loot
- Week 1 rewards: 1 Weather Beaten Chest. Raffle: Ancient Egg
- Week 2 rewards: 1 Gaia for Hire Ticket. Raffle: Garan for Hire Ticket
- Week 3 rewards: 1 Power Potion v1. Raffle: Travis for Hire Ticket
- Week 4 rewards: 1 Power Potion v2. Raffle: Genoloon Egg
- Week 5 rewards: 50 Ribbons. Raffle: Blessed Egg
- Week 6 rewards: 1 Power Potion v3. Raffle: Mystery Egg
- Week 7 rewards: 1 Merlot's Rebate Coupon. Raffle: Wishing Well Fragment
- Magic bonus: Week 3 - Double gift magic
- Participation: 1 participation point for each of your own evoloons (except for week 3)
Jubilee Event 2021
- Rewards: 1 special evoloon of your choice from a list (see journal) per artist per event and double gift magic for all entries
- No participation
Melanoid Event 2021
- No reward or participation
Starfruit Scramble Event
- Rewards: Visible evoloons earned 1 upgrade of your choosing per submission (applied to them), with a maximum of 5 upgrades per Melanoid Evoloons for the whole event, and a maximum of 1 upgrade for non-Melanoid Evoloons. Melanoid Evoloons yield double magic for this event. Double LM if featuring an evoloon that you own, or double GM if featuring an evoloon that you do not own.
- Participation: Visible evoloons earned 1 participation per submission, with a maximum of 5 participations per evoloon for the whole event.
The Great Loonia Race - Main Event Journal
The Great Loonia Race - Main Questline
The Great Loonia Race - Side Quests
The Great Loonia Race - Bonus Objectives
The Great Loonia Race - Award Ceremony
The Great Loonia Race - Egg Reveals
Summer Event 2021 Prize Tracker
- Participation: Evoloons that you own, drawn according to the VISIBILITY rule by you or any other artist signed-up for the event, earned 1 participation per submission (maximum of 10 participation points per loon for the event). In addition to that, you (the artist) earned 1 participation point every time you drew a VISIBLE evoloon that you did not own, either an evoloon signed up for the event, an Order member, or Bot. These participation points had to be given immediately to any evoloon you own that is not a blessed or cursed evoloon.
Winter Event 2021 - A Season to Celebrate
Activity 1 - The Helping Hand
Participation: 1 participation per Evoloon per entry
Prompt 1.1 - Gathering on Paradise Island: 1 Gaia for Hire ticket per entry. Raffle Prizes: 1 Mystery Egg for every 10 participants.
Prompt 1.2 - Hartwig's Bonfires: 1 Power Potion v1 per entry. Raffle Prize: 1 Travis for Hire ticket for every 10 participants.
Prompt 1.3 - Ice Sculptures of the Frozen Coast: 1 Merlot's Rebate Coupon per entry. Raffle Prize: 1 Ancient Egg for every 10 participants.
Prompt 1.4 - Lights in the City: 1 P.E.B.K.A.C. For Hire Ticket per entry. Raffle Prize: 1 Robospidershark for every 10 participants.
Prompt 1.5 - Toys for the Loonlings: 1 Garan For Hire Ticket per entry. Raffle Prize: 1 Evoloon Egg of the winner’s choice for every 10 participants.
Prompt 1.6 - A Giant Tree: 1 Weather Beaten Chest per entry. 1 Power Potion v3 of the winner’s choice for every 10 participants.
Activity 2 - Celebrations Around Loonia
Participation: 1 participation for each Evoloon in the entry
Reward: 1 upgrade of your choice from the given list for each Evoloon in the entry (see journal)
Special Upgrade Chance - Head / Rump Wings
- The evoloon who earned the head / rump wings gets 1 participation
Special Upgrade Chance - Reptilian Tail
- Each Evoloon drawn in this scene gets 1 participation as long as it is drawn fullbody
Special Upgrade Chance - Tail Head!
-Each evoloon you own and added to the drawing (fullbody!) will receive 1 Participation but only one of your evoloons can get the upgrade!
Special Upgrade Chance - LEDs - CLOSED
- The Evoloon which is seen cleaning street lights receives 1 participation.
Special Upgrade Chance - Sparkles - CLOSED
- Each Evoloon of your entry that fulfills the visibility rule earns 1 participation.
- Each fullbody Evoloon you enter a prompt with earns 1 Participation no matter how often you draw it for the same prompt. The Evoloon must be yours. Every 25th prompt will give double Participation. (#25, #50, #75, #100... )
- Reward: 1 ribbon per prompt
- Mod award: 10 ribbons for the 1st place, 5 ribbons for the second place and 1 ribbon for the third place
- Participation: 1 participation per visible Evoloon that you own per prompt
Prompt #1 - Summer Funtimes
Prompt #2 - Catastrophe
Prompt #3 - Rivalry
Prompt #4 - Hunger
Prompt #5 - Pack Rat - 2 participations (surprise reward)
Prompt #6 - Sleep Over
Prompt #7 - Baby Sitter
Prompt #8 - Lazy Day
Prompt #9 - Fall Fashion
Prompt #10 - Autumn
Prompt #11 - Sweet Tooth
Prompt #12 - Work Out!
Prompt #13 - Surprise Rain Shower!
Prompt #14 - Musician
Prompt #15 - Pirates or Ninjas?
Prompt #16 - Family
Prompt #17 - Dare!
Prompt #18 - Trophy
Prompt #19 - Dance
Prompt #20 - Lost tooth
Prompt #21 - Deserted Island
Prompt #22 - Spooky Stories
Prompt #23 - Vacation
Prompt #24 - Hatchflower
Prompt #25 - Color Wheel - 2 participations
Prompt #26 - Carnival
Prompt #27 - Dreams
Prompt #28 - Idol
Prompt #29 - The floor is LAVA
Prompt #30 - Bonfire
Prompt #31 - Fixer Upper
Prompt #32 - Home
Prompt #33 - On the farm
Prompt #34 - Jurassic Time
- Reward: 1 ribbon per prompt
- Mod award: 10 ribbons for the 1st place, 5 ribbons for the second place and 1 ribbon for the third place
- Raffle: 3 ribbons (1 raffle for every 5 entries)
- Participation: 1 participation per visible Evoloon that you own per prompt
Prompt #35 - Phobia
Prompt #36 - Gross
Prompt #37 - Eco Friendly
Prompt #38 - The Great Bake Off
Prompt #39 - Mud
Prompt #40 - Jam Session
Prompt #41 - AntiLoon
Prompt #42 - Booboo
Prompt #43 - Favorite possession
Prompt #44 - Unexpected Parenthood
Prompt #45 - Transformation Disaster!
Prompt #46 - Enjoying water
Prompt #47 - Baby picture
Prompt #48 - Spooky!
Prompt #49 - Theatre
Prompt #50 - Style - 2 participations
Prompt #51 - Procrastinator
- Rewards: 1 ribbon for entering, 1 ribbon for a background with depth, 1 ribbon for shading and 1 ribbon for every visible evoloon or companion (maximum 7 loonians). Only one entry can award ribbons.
- Magic: Evoloons following the visibility rules award + 5 love/gift magic and other Evoloons award + 1 love/gift magic.
- Mod award: 10 ribbons for the 1st place, 5 ribbons for the second place and 1 ribbon for the third place
- Raffle: 3 ribbons (1 raffle for every 5 entries)
- Participation: 1 participation per visible Evoloon that you own per prompt
Prompt #52 - Garden
Prompt #53 - Awkward
Prompt #54 - Pets
Prompt #55 - Outdoor Games
Prompt #56 - Fairytale
Prompt #57 - Humans?!?
Prompt #58 - Inventory
Prompt #59 - Magic Mirror
Prompt #60 - Jack-o'-lantern
Prompt #61 - Turkeysaurus Roundup
Prompt #62 - Winter Games
Prompt #63 - Winter Garden
Prompt #64 - Edge of the World
Prompt #65 - Thunderstruck
Prompt #66 - Fish Surprise
Prompt #67 - Futuristic
Prompt #68 - Migration Season
Prompt #69 - Grave
Prompt #70 - Sportsball
Prompt #71 - February 2021
Prompt #72 - Marsh 2021
Prompt #73 - April 2021
Prompt #74 - May 2021
Prompt #75 - June 2021 - 2 participations
- Those events dont reward any participation.
Happy one year! (Free upgrade)
Spring Novaleen's Gift (Free upgrade)
Merry Loonmas! Come get your gift
- Reward: 25 ribbons per member who commented
Happy Birthday Evoloons! (Raffle and Gift)
- Rewards: Everyone entering got 10 ribbons. Other prizes where raffled among the participants.