Elemental Evoloons are special Evoloons deeply connected to a specific element.
To make an Elemental Evoloon, you need an Elemental Egg which might be obtained from the Trial of the Explorers.
Anatomy and Creation Rules
- All the normal white areas must still be white.
- Body colour must be in natural browns or warm-tones. Such as brown, beige, or cream.
- Body colours are still restricted to a maximum of 3 different colours. The Elemental additions (the plants) do not count towards this.
- Skin has wood/bark patterns.
- The plants (or fungi) must be a single type of plant. Meaning you can not have both tulips and lavender growing on your Barkloon.
- Plants can be placed anywhere on the body, and can drape off the Barkloon.
- Plants can be any colours, and can be a fantasy-plant, so long as it still looks like a single type of plant.
- Plants can not be large to the point it would make your Barkloon topple over. This include growing entire trees on your Barkloon; branches of a tree are fine, or small/mini trees are fine.
- All other Evoloon creation rules apply.
- You must link the treasury approval comment in the description of the approval sheet (egg hatching).
- All the normal white areas must still be white.
- Body colours must be in grey tones. Grey-pigmented colours are still allowed, such as a grey-brown; just remember these Evoloons are made of Stone. White and black are still acceptable; if black is used the cracks must still be visible.
- Body colours are still restricted to a maximum of 3 different colours. The Elemental additions (the gems) do not count towards this.
- Skin has stone crack patterns.
- The gems (or ore) must be a single type of gem. Meaning you can not have both diamonds and opals growing on your Gemloon. This also includes different types of the same gem, so you cannot have fire opals and black opals on the same Gemloon.
- Gems can be placed anywhere on the body, including embedded like a geode.
- Gems can be any colours, and can be a fantasy-gem, so long as it still looks like a single type of gem.
- Gems can not be large to the point it would make your Gemloon topple over.
- All other Evoloon creation rules apply.
- You must link the treasury approval comment in the description of the approval sheet (egg hatching).
- All the normal white areas must still be white.
- Body colours must be in light to medium tones of blues, greys or whites.
- Body colours are still restricted to a maximum of 3 different colours.
- Skin has an ice shine.
- Ice can form off the body in any way you like so long as it still looks like it could be natural. Meaning no ice sculptures on your Iceloon.
- Ice formations should not effect the body so much that it doesn't have the Evoloon's key features anymore, such as the ears, which should be mostly rounded.
- Ice formations can not be large to the point it would make your Iceloon topple over.
- All other Evoloon creation rules apply.
- You must link the treasury approval comment in the description of the approval sheet (egg hatching).
- All the normal white areas must still be white; if lava is covering the area, the white must still be shown.
- Body colours must in dark tones of greys, browns, or reds. A good example for an acceptable red would be a deep red wine. If the colour is very dark, like black, the rock skin must still be visible.
- Body colours are still restricted to a maximum of 3 different colours. The Lava does not count towards that, but the rocks need to match the body colours.
- Skin has rock/pebble patterns.
- Lava colours must be in tones of reds, oranges, or yellows. Your lava can be one solid colour, or feature a range of colours, so long as it stays in the correct tones of colours. The lava colour can later be changed with the colour change upgrade.
- Lava veins can go anywhere on the body, and can be dripping off your Lavaloon. At least one lava vein should be showing.
- Lava veins are more like stripes, and should not take up an entire limb. See the width examples for the maximum and minimum thickness.
- Adding rocks is completely optional.
- Rocks can be placed anywhere on the body.
- Rocks can not be large to the point it would make your Lavaloon topple over.
- All other Evoloon creation rules apply.
- You must link the treasury approval comment in the description of the approval sheet (egg hatching).
- All the normal white areas must still be white.
- Body Colour must be in light greys, light blues, or white.
- Body colours are still restricted to a maximum of 3 different colours. The Elemental additions (the Clouds) do not count towards that.
- The head (and ears) can not be transparent.
- Transparency can be done in choice areas; meaning you could choose specifically the neck or a limb to be transparent and not do anything else transparent.
- The entire body must still be outlined for approval so we can see the anatomy, however everything up to the head can be transparent (no colour on the inside). Once your evoloon is approved you can freely make them fully transparent if desired (meaning no body outline).
- Clouds can be any shape that isn't inappropriate or copyrighted, can be any colour, and can be any number of colours (such as rainbow clouds).
- Clouds can not have rain or lightning coming from them. In order to do that, your Evoloon will have to gain the H2O superpower (rain) and the Fire superpower (lightning).
- Clouds can not cover or obscure the entire head, but parts may be partially covered. Mandatory white areas and other necessary visuals still need to be seen.
- Clouds can cover or obscure the thumbs and/or fawn spots, so long as there’s a reference.
- All other Evoloon creation rules apply.
- You must link the treasury approval comment in the description of the approval sheet (egg hatching).
Bonuses and Advantages
All Elemental Evoloons earn +1 quest point per quest when doing quests for themselves.
Each Elemental Evoloon comes with an automatic power. This bonus cannot appear on the approval sheet. Once your Elemental Evoloon has been approved, you can start applying modifications from the superpower.
- Barkloon: Plant/Coral Manipulation
- Gemloon: Earth Manipulation
- Iceloon: H2O Manipulation
- Lavaloon: Fire Manipulation
- Windloon: Wind Manipulation
Elemental Evoloons can pass down some of their anatomic features but not their superpower or their bonuses (see the Breeding Guide for more details).
Trading an Elemental Evoloon
If you trade your Elemental Evoloon, you cannot use the Elemental advantage anymore.
The Elemental Evoloon will be heart-broken and won't be able to get new upgrades until the new owner mend their heart. The new owner will be able to use the Elemental Evoloon bonuses even if the Evoloon's heart is broken. You can find the general trading rules in the Trading Rules journal.
Breaking Up With a Heartbonded Elemental Evoloon
When a heartbond is broken, both Evoloons have their heart broken, meaning they cannot gain new upgrades until they have their heart healed. The Elemental Evoloon advantages will still be active for the Elemental Evoloon's owner.
If you have a non-Elemental Evoloon heartbonded to a Elemental Evoloon, the non-Elemental Evoloon will lose the Elemental advantages, including the superpower if they got it from the bonus.
To design your Elemental Evoloon, you can use one of the official Evoloon bases of the normal Evoloon and add the elements on it. You have to credit the base to Evoloons in the description of your approval sheet.