Chocolate Evoloons

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Chocolate Egg by LoonianVault

Special Evoloons with chocolate coloring, a lot of fawn spots and delicious magic oozing markings.

Funny fact: Humlizards love to feed on Chocolate Evoloons magic goo!

To make a Chocolate Evoloon, you need a Chocolate Egg obtainable from an event, from another member (trade or gift), from a Garan for Hire Ticket or from Merlot's Shop (via the The Town Square).

Anatomy and Creation Rules

Chocolate Evoloon by EvoloonbotRuby Chocolate Evoloon by Evoloonbot
Art by JB-Pawstep
  • Like normal Evoloons, the Chocolate Evoloon can only have 3 base colors of the same hue, but those colors must be picked from the mandatory color palette you can find in the references above. You can choose either the brown chocolate or the ruby chocolate. You cannot mix brown and ruby;
  • Markings ooze magic! The magic goo is the same color as the markings;
  • Like a normal Evoloon, the pupil is split in two horizontally. One part must be the same color as the markings. The other part must be a Chocolate color taken from the mandatory color palette;
  • The sclera must be a Chocolate color taken from the mandatory color palette;
  • Fawn spots can be placed anywhere, even on the head, and you can make as many as you want!  But remember, they cannot touch each other, and they cannot touch the markings!
  • All the other creation rules still apply;
  • You must link the treasury approval comment in the description of the approval sheet (egg hatching or ticket redeeming). If you got your egg from an event before the summer event 2017, then you don't need a treasury approval, but you need to link the event art in the description of your approval sheet instead.

Bonuses and Advantages

The Chocolate Evoloon earns 1 love magic every time someone else draws them (only applicable on themselves).

Heartbonding is automatic for the Chocolate Evoloon; no trial is necessary.

If your Evoloon is heartbonded to a Chocolate Evoloon, they also earn 1 love magic every time someone else draws your Evoloon.


Chocolate Evoloons can pass down their anatomic features but not their bonuses (see the Breeding Guide for more details).

Trading a Chocolate Evoloon

If you trade your Chocolate Evoloon, you cannot use the Chocolate advantage anymore.

The Chocolate Evoloon will be heartbroken and won't be able to get new upgrades until the new owner mend their heart. The new owner will be able to use the Chocolate Evoloon bonus even if the Evoloon's heart is broken. You can find the general trading rules in the Trading Rules journal.

Breaking Up With a Heartbonded Chocolate Evoloon

When a heartbond is broken, both Evoloons have their heart broken, meaning they cannot gain new upgrades until they have their heart healed. The Chocolate Evoloon advantage will still be active for the Chocolate Evoloon's owner.

If you have a non-Chocolate Evoloon heartbonded to a Chocolate Evoloon, the non-Chocolate Evoloon will lose the Chocolate advantage but won't lose the magic already gained from this bonus.


To design your Chocolate Evoloon, you can use one of the official Evoloon bases of the normal Evoloon. You have to credit the base to Evoloons in the description of your approval sheet.
Regular Evoloon Base by EvoloonbotNormal Evoloon Bases by Evoloonbot

Race Creation History

Chocolate Evoloons were introduced in February 2017, in a Valentine's event.
Chocolate Egg Event
Chocolate Egg Hatching Time!

The Ruby variation has bee introduced in February 2020, in a Valentine's event.

[Event] Ruby Hearts Creation

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