Breeding License

6 min read

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Evoloons's avatar
Breeding is open again but now evoloons will need a breeding license to be able to breed. This is to encourage building your evoloons' story and reward active members. A breeding license can be acquired in many ways that you will find in this journal.

Breeding License Trial

It's a busy time at the local hatchery. Many Loonian eggs are hatching or are about to hatch. The hatchery workers need extra paws to take care of the newborns. Draw a picture or a comic or write a 500-word story about your Evoloon helping at a Hatchery and proving they could be a good parent! 

  • The hatchery can be any hatchery of your design.
  • The drawing/comic must be fully colored.
  • The evoloon(s) must fulfill the Visibility Rule. For comics, they must be full bodied at least once.
  • For a drawing/comic, you must draw a full background with depth showing the hatchery (at least once for a comic). For a story, the hatchery must be mentioned/described.
  • Your piece must include eggs and/or newborn Loonians (evoloons or genoloons).
  • Shading is optional.
  • Your artwork/story must show some efforts and some quality. No messy lines or sketch/draft lines. No messy coloring. For stories, we will only accept real English words (no Internet-language) and please, take time to spell-check it.
  • You can do this trial with:
    • One or two of your own evoloons who want to breed.
    • One of your own evoloon and one of your friend's Evoloon who want to breed together, in a collaboration.
  • The evoloon(s) in the trial artwork will be the one(s) receiving the breeding license.
  • You can add more loonians in your trial to gather magic, but only a maximum of 2 Evoloons can earn the license in one trial.
  • Your artwork/comic/story must be submitted to this folder.
If two evoloons are participating in the trial, they don't need to be a couple or have a romantic relationship. Those evoloons will be able to breed with any Evoloon with a breed license, not only the Evoloon they did the trial with.

You can use your own baby evoloons, a friend's loonlings, evoloons from other peoples or our loonling NPCs.

Loonling NPCs 1 by EvoloonbotLoonling NPCs 2 by Evoloonbot

Automatic Breeding License for Active Evoloons

Any evoloon who gathered at least 50 Love Magic or 5 Participations automatically gets a breeding license.

Account-Wide Breeding License for All Your Evoloons

Once you've gathered a breeding license for 10 of your own evoloons, no matter how, all your other evoloons will automatically get a breeding license.

If you, as an artist, have gathered at least 100 Gift Magic, all your evoloons will automatically get an breeding license.

Breeding License Registration

To lower the amount of work for your and the approval team, we will keep a list of all breeding licenses acquired. It is necessary to register your license before submitting any offspring of your evoloons. To register your license, comment on this journal and fill the appropriate form:

If you've done the trial:

Link for the trial art:
Link to the approval art of the first Evoloon: 
Owner of the first Evoloon:
Link to the approval art of the second Evoloon (if any):
Owner of the second Evoloon (if any):

If your evoloon gathered at least 50 Love Magic or 5 Participations:

Link to the approval art of your evoloon:
Link to the tracker containing all art required for the love magic or participations:

If you've gathered 10 unique breeding licenses:

Link all the 10 breeding license registration confirmations you've gathered with your evoloons:

If you've gathered at least 100 Gift Magic:

Link to the tracker containing all art required for the gift magic:

General Rules Regarding the Breeding License

  • An evoloon needs a breeding license to breed and can only breed with an evoloon having a breeding license too.
  • All breeding licenses must be registered to be active.
  • The approval art of both parents must be included in the description section of their offspring approval art.
  • The description section for the offspring approval art must contain the links to both parent breeding license registration confirmations (those links are provided in the breeding license registry) or an account-wide breeding license registration confirmation if you have one and both parents are yours.
  • If the breeding is done between two different users, the breeding licences of both users must be included in the description of the offspring.
  • Approval art for bred evoloons must be submitted in the Approved Breedings folder.
  • To breed, you must own one of the parents or both.
  • You cannot use the special traits of a parent you don't own, unless both parents are heartbonded.
  • You need the permission of the other owner to use their evoloon to breed.
  • If you are using adopted evoloons, please mention that they are adopted to avoid confusion when you'll link their approval sheet.
Approved breeding licenses can be found in the Approved Breeding Licenses journal.

All the breeding rules can be found in the Breeding Guide.

New Please comment here if you have done any of the options listed in the "Breeding License Registration" section of this journal:…
If you decide to do the Trial, you are not required to link your art, simply just put you have submitted your artwork/writing to be reviewed to be placed into the folder!

Questions about breeding and the breeding license can be asked here.

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crocopossum's avatar

Please comment here when you have finished the breeding License Trial or if you gain enough LM or GM for a Breeding License!